Friday 8th October - Update
Phonics Workshop for Year 1 Parents
Parents of Year 1 children should have received a text this week inviting them in to a phonic workshop with Mrs Claxton. Please could Year 1 parents reply to the text, letting us know whether you plan to attend or not. (if we have less than 5 attendees, we will not run the workshop.) The workshop takes place on Wednesday 13th October at 2:30pm. As we are in Covid times, the following rules apply:
Wear a mask in school
Remain socially distanced
Do not bring any young children or babies
Sanitise your hands on arrival
Allow us to record your attendance for test and trace purpose
Complete a lateral flow test before arriving, where possible.
Parents of Year 2 children will receive a text next week to book in for their Phonics Workshop with Mrs Claxton on Wednesday 20th October.
Times Tables Workshop for Key Stage 2 Parents (Years 3 - 6)
Parents of children in Key Stage 2 should have received a text this week inviting them in to a times tables workshop with Miss Gallagher. Please could Key Stage 2 parents reply to the text, letting us know whether you plan to attend or not. (if we have less than 5 attendees, we will not run the workshop.) The workshop takes place on Thursday 14th October at 9:10am . As we are in Covid times, the following rules apply:
Wear a mask in school
Remain socially distanced
Do not bring any young children or babies
Sanitise your hands on arrival
Allow us to record your attendance for test and trace purpose
Complete a lateral flow test before arriving, where possible.
Parents of children in Year 6 will receive a text next week to book in for their SATs Preparation Workshop with Miss Gallagher on Thursday 21st October.
Stars of the Week
Year 1: Alyssia
Year 2: Harry
Year 3: Sam
Year 4: Tegan
Year 5: Ben
Year 6: Blake
Headteacher’s Award: Belle
Year 5 Class Assembly
Year 5 will be performing their class assembly on Friday 15th October at 10:30am.
If parents of Year 5 pupils would like to attend, please inform the office and adhere to the following Covid regulations:
Wear a mask in school
Remain socially distanced
Do not bring any young children or babies
Sanitise your hands on arrival
Allow us to record your attendance for test and trace purpose
Complete a lateral flow test before arriving, where possible.
Please let the office know if you plan to attend, numbers are restricted, so spaces will work on a first come, first served basis.
A couple of gentle reminders…
School is closed to pupils on Friday 22nd October as it is an INSET day.
The half term holiday is the week beginning Monday 25th October and the children return to school on Monday 1st November.
Thank you to those parents who have sent back the questionnaires. If you haven’t yet done so, please return them to the school office by Monday morning. I will be sharing the outcomes next week
The current clubs will finish at half term. New clubs will commence in January. Fae’s after school provision will continue.
Goodbye Mrs Mellor
Today is Mrs Mellor’s last day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work at Winshill Village Primary and Nursery School and wish her lots of luck in her new job. She will be missed. Thank you Mrs Mellor!
We have appointed a new administration assistant, who is due to start after half term. That means Mrs Shakles will be working on her own in the office for the next couple of weeks, so please bear with us, if things take a little longer than normal. Thank you for your support in this matter.
PTA Meeting
There is a PTA Meeting on Tuesday 12th October at 9am. If you have some great ideas on how to raise money for the school or you are able to spare a couple of hours to organise activities, please pop along.
Positive Cases
We have had some children test positive for Covid 19. We do not think these were transmitted in school, but we are taking extra precautions just in case. It is really important that parents support our fight against Covid by; testing their child regularly by using lateral flow tests; keeping their child at home if they are unwell or showing any symptoms and completing PCR tests if the child has symptoms.
At the moment only three children have tested positive, however if more children become positive, we may need to revert to the precautions that we had in place in July. We have “bubbled” Year 4 today, in the hope to reduce transmission. If this happens, this will impact on parent events, so please keep an eye on this blog and the text messaging service. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Stay safe … and help keep others safe
Miss Goodson