Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Welcome to the SEND (Special Education Needs & Disabilities) section of our website.
SENCo: Mrs C. Frend & Mrs S. Pearsall (win-office@win.jtmat.co.uk)
Our Winshill Village family believes every child has the right to ‘Learning Without Limits’, and we are proud to empower every child to achieve this. We strive to ensure the needs of every child are met so that they can flourish, and we work tirelessly to help them and their families to do this.
If you have a child in our school with SEND, or have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will do all we can.
Glossary of SEN Terms:
ASC – Autistic Spectrum Condition
ASD – Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Annual Review – Children who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), must have their plan reviewed annually, which is then shared with the Local Authority
CAMHS – Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service
EHCNA – Education Health Care Needs Assessment – this is the initial assessment carried out by the Local Authority when deciding if a child or young person needs a Education Health Care Plan
EHCP - Education, Health and Care Plan. This is a plan which describes the Special Educational Needs that a child or young person has and the help that they will be given to meet them. It is a legal document written by the Local Authority. Only a small percentage of pupils require an EHCP, as it is for severe and complex needs.
EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)
Local Offer – This is published by every Local Authority, which tell you what support is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs
Mainstream school – This is a school that provides education for all children, whether or not they have SEND
Pupil Premium - Maintained schools in England get extra funding from the government to help improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Schools get pupil premium funding based on the number of pupils they have in January each year who receive free school meals and/or are Looked After and previously Looked After
SEN - Special Educational Needs
SENCO - SEN Co-ordinator – a qualified teacher who has responsibility for co-ordinating SEN provision
SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support Service
SEN Information Report – All schools must publish on their websites information about their policy and arrangements for supporting children with SEN
Special School – A school which is specifically set up to provide education for pupils with SEND
TA – Teaching Assistant
For more information, please see the following website: