Term dates 2024-2025
(For other key dates in the school diary, please visit the upcoming events or calendar page.)
Spring Term 2025
INSET Day (school closed to children) Monday 6th January
Children back in school: Tuesday 7th January
Half Term Holiday: Monday 17th February - Friday 21st January
Children back in school: Monday 24th February
Break up for Easter: Friday 11th April - school closes at 1pm
Easter Holidays: Monday 14th April - Friday 25th April
Summer Term 2025
Children back in school: Monday 28th April
May Day Bank Holiday: (school closed) Monday 5th May
Half Term Holiday: Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May
Children back in school: Monday 2nd June
INSET Day (school closed to children) Friday 4th July
Break up for Summer: Friday 18th July - school closes at 1pm
INSET Day (school closed to children) Monday 21st July