Friday 7th May Update
Nursery Places
We have spaces in Nursery for September. If you would like your child to start Nursery in September, please visit the school office to collect an admissions pack. If you know someone, who may be interested, please ask them to get in touch. Applications for September Nursery places will close on 1st July.
Mrs Mellor will be in touch with the current Nursery parents before half term to discuss their session requirements for September.
We don’t give out much homework at Winshill Village Primary and Nursery School, but there is a requirement that the children should read everyday at home. Please complete the reading diary each time they read. Children will also be sent home with a spelling or phonics activity. Children may also be asked to learn a times tables or number fact at home. We would expect the children to complete approximately 20 minutes of “homework” each evening. Thank you for supporting us in this matter.
Term Dates 2021/2022
Some of you have enquired about term dates for 2021/2022, so please find attached the provisional dates for the next academic year. If any dates change, I will let you know as soon as possible.
You will notice that there are three INSET days booked for September, this is to allow time for all the staff to complete and update their first aid training, including paediatric training which takes 2 days. The diary dates for next year can be found here.
Unfortunately, one of the Winshill Village community has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. The family want to keep this private at the moment, therefore I will not be disclosing any further information. However, what I can tell you is that Seren Grace in Year 3 is running 26 miles to raise money for the Brain Tumour Research Charity, in honour of this special person. If you would like to support Seren in raising money for the charity, then this is possible through the link on Parent Pay. So far, Seren has raised over £250, a fantastic effort, well done.
Stars of the Week
Reception: Alyssia & Ellis
Year 1: Maddison & Ivan
Year 2: Ophelia & Archie
Year 3: Eden & Lily
Year 4: Autumn & Luka
Year 5: James & Winnie
Year 6: Ethan & Phoebe
Headteacher’s Awards: Paul, Charlie, Carson & Holly
School is having a few issues with a small number of families regarding absenteeism and lateness at the moment, particularly with parents not informing the school of why their child is not in school. I would like to remind you that according to the school’s Attendance Policy:
“Parents should inform the school on each day that their child is absent.
The parent needs to provide a reason for their child’s absence from school. Should a reason not be received for a pupil’s absence, then the J school will attempt to contact the parent, through first day contacting procedures, to ascertain a reason for the absence.
Should no reason for absence have been ascertained, the Attendance Intervention Manager or another member of staff may complete a home visit to gain the reason for the absence.
A home visit may also be completed if: - the staff are concerned about the pupil’s absence.”
Please see below for last week’s attendance across the school (this does not include any Covid related absence). Our target is 97%.
Reception: 97.24%
Year 1: 97.86%
Year 2: 95.00%
Year 3: 92.27%
Year 4: 99.68%
Year 5: 97.81%
Year 6: 99.06%
Whole School: 97.26%
Attendance at school is vital. Some children have already missed a lot of school because of the Covid pandemic, this is not their fault. Lateness and absence obviously has a huge impact on the children’s learning. Remember “Missing School = Missing Out”.
Lateral Flow Tests
In line with government advice, we would like to encourage you to take up the opportunity of getting free lateral flow tests. These are available at chemists and are easy to administer. Staff have been completing these tests twice a week since January and we want to help everyone to stay safe. Unfortunately even though the restrictions are easing, the virus is still out there. It is really important that if you or any member of your family has any of the symptoms that you ring 111, get a test and self-isolate. Please also let school know. It is important that we keep vigilant and continue to follow the Covid rules. Rules in school are stricter than those in the community, and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I will keep you updated with any changes to school Covid regulations.
Thank you for your continued support.
Stay safe … and help keep other safe
Miss Goodson