Friday 4th March - Update
A Positive Parents Evening!
It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents Evening. We had a whopping 91% turnout for the phone calls and the face to face meetings. The meetings were overwhelmingly positive, and I hope you are as proud of your children, as we are. A tiny minority of parents were confused on whether they had signed up for a phone call or for a face to face meetings; for future reference - if you book a time during the school day, this will be a phone call; if you book an appointment after 3:30pm - this will be a face to face meeting. Parents seemed to enjoy have a choice of meeting styles, so we will keep this hybrid approach for the time being.
World Book Day Success!
What a great day the children had on World Book Day!
Below are a few photos of the events that took place in school, you can also find more on
Family Reading Session - Years 3, 4 , 5 and 6
We would like to invite parents of children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to a family reading session on Wednesday 9th March at 2:45pm.
This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your child completing reading activities and sharing a book together.
You will receive a text today, asking for you to confirm whether you are able to attend or not.
Family Maths Session - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
We would like to invite parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to a family maths session on Thursday 10th March at 2:45pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to spend some time completing some maths games and activities with your child.
You will receive a text today, asking for you to confirm whether you are able to attend or not.
Family Lunches
With the relaxing of the Covid restrictions, I am delighted to say that we are bringing back the ‘Family Lunches’.
The first ‘Family Lunch’ is to celebrate Mothers’ Day.
Therefore, each child in school, will be able to have a hot dinner with one relative; this does not have to be mum, this could be nan, dad, uncle or auntie.
However, there is only space for one guest per child.
The “Family Lunches” will take place at the following dates. Please arrive at the school office at 11:45am.
Monday 21st March – Reception
Tuesday 22nd March – Year 1
Wednesday 23rd March – Year 2
Thursday 24th March – Year 3
Friday 25th March – Year 5
Monday 28th March – Year 4
Tuesday 29th March – Year 6
The cost for the adult meal is £2.82 and should be paid via Parent Pay before the Family lunch
Look out for the letter coming home today. It will give your more information and will explain how to book your place.
A copy of the letter can be found here.
Stars of the Week
Reception: Renay & Bodhi
Year 1: Mylee & Isabelle
Year 2: Lyra & Tobee
Year 3: Isabelle & Ruby
Year 4: Alex & Isabella
Year 5: Ava & Kacey
Year 6: Chloe & Holly
Headteacher’s Awards: Daniella & Phoebe
Class Photos
The children will be having their class photo on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is wearing their school jumper, even if it is their PE day. Thank you
Nursery Places
We are currently organising sessions for the April start in Nursery. Therefore, if you would like a place in Nursery for April, please contact the school office by the end of March to complete an admissions form and arrange a play and stay.
If your child is already in Nursery and you would like to change your hours after April, then please let the office know as soon as possible.
There are places available in Nursery for September, so please pop along to the office to pick up an admissions pack.
New Covid Rules
On Monday, I sent out a letter outlining the current Covid guidelines, now we are “Living with Covid”. A copy of the letter can be found here.
The recommendation is that if you test positive, you should still isolate for up to 10 days. After day 5, if you test negative on two separate occasions, 24 hours apart, thenyou can stop isolation. Once you have isolated for 10 days, you can return to work or school, regardless of whether you are still testing positive or not.
If you are coming in to school, we would still like you to wear masks, to help protect the staff and children. By continuing to be vigilant will enable us to bring back many of the family activities as outlined above. An increase in cases could result in events being cancelled. Please ask if you are unsure.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Stay well, stay safe. And let’s all stay kind.
Miss Goodson