Friday 11th March - Update
Family Reading Session - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
We would like to invite parents of children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 to a family reading session on
Wednesday 16th March at 2:45pm.
This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your child completing reading activities and sharing a book together.
You will receive a text today, asking for you to confirm whether you are able to attend or not.
Family Maths Session - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
We would like to invite parents of children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to a family maths session on
Tuesday 15th March at 2:45pm
This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your child completing some maths games and activities together.
You will receive a text today, asking for you to confirm whether you are able to attend or not.
Year 4 Class Assembly
Parents of Year 4 children are invited to watch the Year 4 Class Assembly on Friday 18th March.
The assembly starts at 10:30am, so please arrive just before, as the assembly will start promptly.
Only one adult per child will be able to attend.
We would appreciate it, if masks could be worn when inside school.
Please let the school office know if you are planning to attend.
Family Lunches
The deadline to book in for a family lunch is Monday (14th March).
Unfortunately, if you have not booked by then, we will be unable to accommodate you.
The dates for the family lunches are:
Monday 21st March - Reception
Tuesday 22nd March - Year 1
Wednesday 23rd March - Year 2
Thursday 24th March - Year 3
Friday 25th March - Year 5
Monday 28th March - Year 4
Tuesday 29th March -Year 6
A copy of the original letter can be found here.
Parent Questionnaire Results
Thank you to the 101 of you, who completed the parent questionnaire. I have analysed the results and again it is a positive picture. Thank you for the kind comments and the appreciation of the hard work and support from the school staff, it means a lot for our efforts to be recognised. Thank you also for suggestions on how we can improve, we are always looking for ways to get even better.
You can find a copy of the analysis here. Please have a read and let me know your thoughts.
Stars of the Week
Reception: Leo & Caleb
Year 1: Thomas & Sasha
Year 2: Mason & Marnie
Year 3: Theo & George
Year 4: Dillon & Fran
Year 5: Ryley & Aleksander
Year 6: Kacey & Lily
Headteacher’s Awards: Darcey & Imogen
Year 1 and 2 Trip
A gentle reminder that Years 1 and 2 will be going to the Wolesley Centre on Thursday (17th March).
The school trip will be during the school day and the children will need a packed lunch.
The children should wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
The children will be outside all day (whatever the weather) so should have warm, waterproof clothing.
I am sure that they will have a wonderful time.
Year 5 and 6 Residential
I am delighted to say that we have managed to organise a residential trip for children in Years 5 and 6 this year. A letter will be going out today with some of the details. The residential will be for one night at Rangemore Scouts Centre, and will take place on the following dates:
Year 5 - Thursday 9th to Friday 10th June
Year 6 - Thursday 16th to Friday 17th June
The cost of the trip is £50 and includes all food and activities. Please read the letter for more details on how to pay.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
A copy of the letter can be found here.
Stay well, stay safe. And let’s all stay kind.
Miss Goodson
Please send any eggs to the Neighbourhood Resource Centre