Friday 18th March - Update
Family Lunch Organisation
Next week is the start of the family lunches (see days below). Only those parents who have signed up, will be able to attend, we will not be able to accommodate parents who just turn up. Please check with the office, if you are unsure whether you are booked in or not.
Please arrive at the school office for 11:45am. You will have up to 30 minutes to eat together.
Please note that parents will not permitted to go out onto the playground with their child or walk around school. Once you have eaten, the expectation will be that you will exit via the office.
Please do not attend if you have cold symptoms or feel generally unwell.
Monday 21st March: Reception
Tuesday 22nd March: Year 1
Wednesday 23rd March: Year 2
Thursday 24th March: Year 3
Friday 25th March: Year 5
Monday 28th March: Year 4
Tuesday 29th March: Year 6
Years 3 and 4 Trip
Next Friday (25th March) Years 3 and 4 will be visiting Derby Museum and Art Gallery.
The children will need a packed lunch.
The children should wear their school uniform, and they should wear comfortable shoes/trainers as they will be walking around a lot.
No Stars of the Week
There were no Stars of the Week this week, as Year 4 performed their class assembly.
They did an amazing job, and everyone in the audience thoroughly enjoyed it.
Well done Year 4 - fantastic work!
On Wednesday, Winshill Village Primary and Nursery School, welcomed a group of senior members of the John Taylor Multi-Academy Trust (JTMAT), including the CEO (Mr Donoghue); the COO (Mrs Mahoney) and the Primary School Improvement Partner (Mrs Farmer). They spent the morning scrutinising the teaching and learning that goes on in the school. They were very impressed with how far the school has come over the last few years, and were blown away by the standards in the school. We anticipate a return of OFSTED imminently (delayed due to Covid!) and the expectation is that we would be at least a good school, with some potential outstanding features. Our improvement journey is far from over, but I am very proud of what we are achieving here at Winshill Village, and I believe we have the strongest teaching team the school has ever had. It was brilliant to show the visitors how wonderful the children are and how hard the staff work. Fabulous! Well done to everyone!
Staffing News
Mrs Young:
As parents of Reception children will know, Mrs Young has been off poorly since October. She has made the difficult decision to take early retirement, as she does not think she will be well enough to return to work. Mrs Young will officially leave Winshill Village at the end of this month. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Young for her dedication and hard work. I wish her a speedy recovery and I hope she is able to enjoy her retirement.
Mrs Williams
Congratulations to Mrs Williams, who has secured promotion as Early Years Leader at Walton on Trent Primary School. Unfortunately, this means that she will be leaving Winshill Village at Easter, to take up her new position. She will be greatly missed, but I know she will be fantastic in her new role. Many thanks to Mrs Williams for her continued dedication and hard work to the children in Little Stars and to the school as a whole. We look forward to hearing about all her new adventures from her new school! Keep in touch!
Yesterday, we appointed a new teacher Miss Russell, who will replace Mrs Williams as Little Stars class teacher from the Summer Term.
Car Parking Around School
A gentle reminder to be considerate about where you park your car at the end of the day. Some parents are double parking or parking in front of driveways, making it difficult for others to drive down the road. The Jubilee Pub car park is available for parents to use at the end of the day.
Please could I also ask drivers to be aware of pedestrians on the pavements. We have had a couple of near misses when drivers have bumped up onto the pavement. Please be careful, we do not want anyone to get hurt. Many thanks for your support in this matter.
Some images from the Year 1 and 2 Trip.
The children had a fantastic time!
Parents on the Playground
Unfortunately, this morning on the playground, there was an argument and a fight between two parents. This was scary for the children (and parents) who witnessed this, and I can only apologise to you that the children were exposed to this kind of behaviour. As you know, we work hard to provide a caring and safe environment for the children in school, and this kind of behaviour is not acceptable.
I know that some of the children were upset (understandably) and we have supported them in school, to make sure that they are back to their usual happy selves.
Can I remind parents that swearing and aggression will not be tolerated in school and in extreme cases parents may be banned from school premises? School is a place of safety and refuge, and when you enter those school gates, we - as the adults - are role models for the children, and should act as such.
Thank you for understanding and support in this matter.
Stay well, stay safe. And let’s stay kind.
Miss Goodson