Friday 28th May Update

Happy Half Term

Today, we break up for half term. This is the ideal opportunity to thank the Winshill Village Community for working together, to make the return to school as normal and as stress free for the children as possible. It has been lovely to have some sense of “normality” in school.

I have been impressed with how hard the children have worked, how eager they are to learn and how happy they are to be back in school. I am feeling hopeful that parents will be able to come in to school at the end of the year, so that you will be able to see the amazing work the children have completed throughout the year. You should be very proud of your children, I know we are!

School will reopen on Monday 7th June, I look forward to seeing you all then, in the meantime, have a lovely half term break.

Stars of the Week

Reception: Elsie & Verity

Year 1: Blake & Brandon

Year 2: William & Emelie

Year 5: Stephen & Lillie

Year 6: Jessica & Cassie

Headteacher’s Awards: Connie, Emelie & Lola

There were no Stars of the Week in Years 3 and 4 because Year 4 performed their class assembly.

Covid Regulation Changes

At this point, I would like to have been outlining how school would be loosening up some of the Covid rules and regulations. However, the Department of Education (DFE) and Public Health England have asked schools to keep to their current guidelines. Therefore, there will be no changes to the Covid regulations in school until further notice. I know this seems strange, when the rest of the country is reducing restrictions, but the thought process is that with the increase risk from the Indian variant, schools should continue to be vigilant. I appreciate your patience with this. We are busy thinking of ways we can complete Sports Days and other events for the end of the year, in a Covid secure way. Please remember to maintain social distancing on the playground and wear a mask, where possible. Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Lateral Flow Tests

In line with government advice, we would like to encourage you to take up the opportunity of getting free lateral flow tests. These are available at chemists and are easy to administer. Staff have been completing these tests twice a week since January and we want to help everyone to stay safe. Unfortunately even though the restrictions are easing, the virus is still out there. It is really important that if you or any member of your family has any of the symptoms that you ring 111, get a test and self-isolate. Please also let school know. It is important that we keep vigilant and continue to follow the Covid rules. Rules in school are stricter than those in the community, and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I will keep you updated with any changes to school Covid regulations.

If your child tests positive for Covid, please let me know as soon as possible, even during the holidays. It could have an impact on their bubble. Thank you.

Governor Vacancy

We have had a number of people express an interest in becoming a governor. This means that we will be holding a vote after half term. Thanks to everyone who showed an interest, or nominated someone. More information will be shared after the half term break.

Nursery Places

We have a few places left in Nursery for September, therefore if you require a place, or know someone who does, please collect an admissions pack from the school office as soon as possible. The deadline for returned applications, for a September start, is 1st July.

Our Nursery is proving so popular, that we already have applications for the January and April starts. If you think that you may want a place later on in the year, it might be worth getting your child’s name down now. We are filling up fast!

Our popularity is spreading far and wide. The school has never been so full. The majority of classes are now at a full capacity, and in some year groups we even have a waiting list!

We have worked hard to improve the school’s reputation over the last few years and I am incredibly proud that this is now encouraging more and more children to come to our school. Some families are travelling quite a distance to attend. Thank you for your continued support. Winshill Village Primary and Nursery School continues to get better and better.

Diary Dates for the Summer Term (Provisional)

Week beginning Monday 21st June: Assessment Week

Week beginning Monday 28th June: Art/DT Week (we are hoping to have an exhibition of the children’s work, but this will be dependant on Covid regulations)

Monday 5th July: INSET Day (school closed to children)

Fortnight beginning Tuesday 6th July: Olympic Fortnight including Sports Days (the format of Sports Day will be dependant on Covid regulations)

Friday 9th July - Reports out to Parents

Thursday 15th July - Parent Drop In (how this will work will be dependant on Covid regulations)

Monday 19th July - Talent Show (format to be decided)

Tuesday 20th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (format to be decided)

Wednesday 21st July - Break Up for Summer Holidays at 1pm

Kind Hearts by Anonymous

Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the blossoms,
Kind deeds are the fruits;
Love is the sweet sunshine
That warms into life,
For only in darkness
Grow hatred and strife.


Please see below for each class’ attendance for the last half term. (Any Covid absences have not been included).

Reception: 95.95%

Year 1: 95.10%

Year 2: 95.85%

Year 3: 89.63%

Year 4: 97.37%

Year 5: 95.37%

Year 6: 97.09%

Whole School: 95.43%

There is definitely room for improvement. Can we all have a big push on attendance, when we return from the half term holiday please?

National Target: 97%

Social Media and Online Safety

There have been reports of inappropriate use of social media, risking the safety of our children online. Please see the attached leaflet, if you are worried about what your children are accessing online. Social Media Guidelines

Stay safe … and help keep others safe.

Have a lovely half term.

Miss Goodson

Andrea Goodson