Children's Mental Health Week
The longer the pandemic goes on, the harder we are all finding it. This lock down has been a lot more difficult than the first lock down back in March - whether it is because of the miserable weather or because of Covid fatigue - it is certainly been a struggle. I know talking to many of you, over the last few weeks, anxiety and stress is high. The impact of Covid is much more than the worry of catching the virus. The same can be said for our children, some of the children are struggling emotionally, we are here to support, both for the children in school and for those working at home. This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week - below are a number of resources and activities - that support families in having conversations, and encourage children to share their thoughts and feelings. And that’s half the battle isn’t it? Communication and sharing is key, having a support network is vital at the moment, and this is what we emphasise with the children. Looking out and caring for each other - and the Winshill Community does this brilliantly. Please get in touch with school, if there is anything we can do to support you further.
Lots of positivity in today’s blog including: Stars of the Week, Dates for the next Zoom meeting and mental health resources.
As the late, great Captain Sir Tom Moore said “For all those people who are finding it difficult at the moment: the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away… Tomorrow will be a good day.”
Stars of the Week
In School Learners
Reception: Belle - for her positive attitude and being a great friend
Year 1: Logan - for being kind to others.
Year 2: Lyla - for pushing herself to be the best she can be
Year 3: Taye - for being enthusiastic about his learning and taking pride in the presentation of his work.
Year 4: Leuan - for valuing the opinions of others and supporting his peers with their learning
Year 5: Lily - for a mature attitude towards her learning
Year 6: Lily - for her positive attitude and working hard
Remote Learners
Noah, Seren-Grace & Rex - for working hard throughout lock down and helping each other out.
Jessica - for always working hard, and keeping a smile on her face
Matilda - for helping the local environment by litter picking
Hayden & Kacey - for their positive attitudes and their patience.
Connie - for working hard on her phonics
James - for his mature attitude to learning
Ophelia - for working independently on her remote learning
Charlie - for producing excellent work
Parents - remember to send in your nominations for “Remote Learner Stars of the Week” - to reach me by Wednesday lunchtime please.
Zoom Meetings Next Week (passcodes will be texted out 30 minutes before)
Nursery - Thursday 11th February at 1pm
Reception - Tuesday 9th February at 1:30pm
Year 1 - Monday 8th February at 10am
Year 2 - Thursday 11th February at 11am
Year 3 - Monday 8th February at 1:15pm
Year 4 - Thursday 11th February at 2pm
Year 5 - Thursday 11th February at 1:30pm
Year 6 - Wednesday 10th February at 1:30pm
Children’s Mental Health Week
Children's Mental Health Week has taken place this week. This year's theme was Express Yourself. Children in school completed various activities exploring their mental health, particularly their anxieties and worries with the current situation. They produced some excellent work, have a look at some of the learning galleries for examples.
HRH The Duchess of Cambridge's video message marked the start of the week.
There was also a Virtual Assembly with BAFTA and Oak National Academy – featuring Jodie Whittaker, Oti Mabuse, Matthew Lewis and many more…
Below are some resources that you may find useful, if your child, or anyone close to you is struggling through lockdown. For those children in school, there are seven mental health first aiders in school, who will complete interventions with your child, if necessary. Please keep the school informed, if your child is highly anxious or worried at the moment.
These resources are dedicated to children’s general mental health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on mindfulness with developing coping skills in young people.
SafeSpot is an iPhone and Android app that promotes positive mental wellbeing in children and young people and has been designed to help children and young people with their coping skills.
MindEd’s advice and resources for families on supporting children’s mental health.
BBC’s wellbeing resources for families.
Young Minds: a letter about how I’m feeling: worksheet to help pupils express their feelings and understand what may have triggered them. For use with pupils in school or at home.
Mentally Healthy Schools: tools to support an emotional check-in with pupils.
Mentally Healthy Schools: an anxiety thermometer as a wellbeing measurement tool.
Mental Health at Work: Supporting Educators' Mental Health including during the pandemic. Round-the-clock one-to-one support by call or text from trained volunteers, plus resources, tips and ideas to look after your mental health.
NHS: Mental Health Helplines for Urgent Help - NHS 24-hour advice and support for you, your child, your parent or someone you care for. Help is available to speak to a mental health professional.
NHS IAPT: free online NHS adult psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems involving stress, anxiety and depression. IAPT services can be accessed either through a self-referral by contacting your Local IAPT or via your GP.
Cruse Bereavement Care: Coronavirus, Bereavement and Grief online information, advice and support. Helpline: 0808 808 1677
MindEd: Coronavirus Staff Resilience Hub for frontline staff
Headspace: Headspace for Educators offers educators access to free mindfulness and meditation exercises and resources for every age group, and a free Headspace Meditation App.
Centre for Mental Health: Supporting Mental Health during Covid-19: a brief guide
Public Health England Every Mind Matters: Looking After Your Mental Health Resources aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions.
Public Health England: Every Mind Matters Self-Care Tool when you complete the 5 ‘Survey’ questions, a ‘Mind Plan’ is generated, with signposting options to many useful resources.
Young Minds: 10 Wellbeing Tips for School Staff
Covid-19 specific children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health support
For young people who feel particularly overwhelmed and troubled by Covid-19, these resources are helpful ways to manage anxiety around the pandemic, with helpful tools on homeschooling and self-care during lockdown.
A downloadable guide from the Children’s Commissioner for children and young people about the coronavirus, including proactive advice to support mental wellbeing.
The Think Ninja app educates 10–18-year-olds about mental health, emotional wellbeing and provide skills young people can use to build resilience and stay well. It has been adapted to Covid-19 to bring self-help knowledge and skills to those who may be experiencing increased anxiety and stress during the crisis.
The Rise Above website aims to build resilience and support good mental health in young people aged 10 to 16. The content has been adapted to Covid-19 and includes new mental health content based on insights from young people on remote schooling.
The Every Mind Matters website aims to support everyone, including children and young people, to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions. It has been adapted to include advice and support about mental health issues that may have arisen because of the pandemic.
The Young Minds website – provides online information
Another great resource to help parents talk about mental health with their children is: Let’s Talk about Mental Health - A Parents’ Toolkit for Wellbeing
Resilience By Alex Elle
look at you.
still standing
after being
knocked down
and thrown out.
look at you.
still growing
after being
picked and plucked
and prodded out of
your home.
look at you.
still dancing
and singing
after being
defeated and disassembled.
look at you, love.
still here and hopeful
after it all.
I hope you find these resources useful. Remember school is here to support you, if you need us.
Stay safe… and help keep others safe
Miss Goodson