Happy Half Term
As we approach the end of the half term I would like to thank you all again for your help and support during the lockdown.
It has been a challenging and difficult time for us all. We have had to overcome a number of problems but by placing children at the centre of all we do and by working together we have made great progress. Well done everyone!
School breaks up for half term today (Friday 12th February) and remote learning will cease for the half term break.
School reopens for key worker children and vulnerable children on Monday 22nd February at the normal time. Remote Learning for those children at home will recommence on Monday 22nd February.
We hope that during that week we will receive further news from the Government concerning the full return to school and I am hoping for more positive news at that time.
Finally, I wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable half term.
Zoom Meetings (for the first two weeks after half term)
Nursery: Friday 26th February at 11:00 & Wednesday 3rd March at 1:30pm
Reception: Tuesday 23rd February at 1:30pm & Tuesday 2nd March at 1:30pm
Year 1: Monday 22nd February at 1:30pm & Monday 1st March at 1:30pm
Year 2: Tuesday 23rd February at 1:15pm & Thursday 4th March at 11:15am
Year 3: Monday 22nd February at 1:15pm & Monday 1st March at 1:15pm
Year 4: Thursday 25th February at 2pm & Thursday 4th March at 2pm
Year 5: Thursday 25th February at 11am & Thursday 4th March at 2pm
Year 6: Wednesday 24th February at 1:30pm & Wednesday 3rd March at 1:30pm
If you are looking for something to keep the family busy over the half term break, please have a look at the latest edition of the Raring 2 Go Magazine, which can be found by following the link. https://magazines.raring2go.co.uk/burtonandashby/winter/
Spring is Coming by Kelly Ehrman
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Birdies build your nests.
Weave together straw and feather,
Doing each your best.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Flowers are coming too.
Crocus, lilies, daffo-dillies,
All are coming through.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
All around is fair.
Shimmer, quiver, on the river,
Joy is everywhere.
Stars of the Week
Reception: George - for fantastic reading
Year 1: Jaxon - for trying hard in every single lesson
Year 2: Leland - for being kind to others and having beautiful manners
Year 3: Dotty - for making excellent predictions during her reading sessions.
Year 4: Regan - developing his reasoning skills in Maths
Year 5: Blake - a great determination to produce work to a high standard
Year 6: Connor - for his improvement in telling the time
Remote Learners
Alexia - for putting in a lot of effort with her ‘Big Write’
Emelie - for completing her work with a positive attitude
Charlotte - for fantastic Maths during her Zoom lesson
Ethan - for his excellent Maths work and continued improvement with his times tables
Parents - please send in your nominations for ‘Remote Learner Stars of the Week’ to me by Wednesday lunchtime.
World Book Day is on Thursday 4th March. This year we will be collaborating with all the other JTMAT schools to complete activities, to promote the love of reading. More information will be released nearer the time, and will involve all the children, including those in school and those who are taking part in remote learning. JTMAT will have a dedicated website for the event: JTMATlovesreading.co.uk
I wish you all a happy half term holiday. I look forward to seeing what next half term brings.
Stay safe … and help keep others safe.
Miss Goodson