On to the next phase...

Opening to more pupils … Phase 1

If you have been watching the news or looking at social media, you will be fully aware that some lockdown procedures are being eased. This is great news and hopefully a step forward towards “normality” – whatever normal is.  We will continue to remain vigilant and do everything we can to keep the community safe.

The last few weeks have been incredibly busy in school, preparing for the return of 80 children in June.  The staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that the school is safe, but also welcoming and inviting for the children.

There have been some negative images shared in the media.  Scary pictures of children sitting alone on the playground in chalked rectangles and small work spaces for the children.  This won’t happen at Winshill Village Primary and Nursery School, as we are lucky enough to have the space and the staff, so that the children can enjoy their learning in amazing surroundings.

I believe that there are four fundamental reasons why returning to school before summer holiday is possibly a good idea:

1) Routine: We have all missed our routine. Although there will some changes at school the basic rules and expectations will be the same.  As you know, children blossom within structure and routine, and a return to school will ease anxieties.

2) Questions: The children will have lots of questions and stories to tell from their lockdown experience and we will be completing work in school to commemorate the significance of the last few months.  We are living through history, it is important that we remember our part within it.

3) Learning: This is why schools exist, to harness the children’s love of learning. In the next few weeks we plan to get the children back on track and ready to transition into their new year group in September.

4) Laughter: Social interaction with their peers and friends should not be undervalued. We have all struggled with isolation during lockdown. To laugh and play with their friends will do wonders for the children’s mental health and wellbeing.

I fully appreciate that not all the children will be able to return to school before September, for a variety of reasons. However, before the summer break, it will be important that ALL the children are prepared for the new school year. This might include meeting their new teacher, or a reminder of the school routines. We will devise a programme so that all the children still feel part of the school community and are ready for their return to school, whenever that may be.

To continue supporting children who won’t be in school, the website will be updated with home learning, this will be on a fortnightly basis.  If your child is not in school, staff will continue to contact you, please let us know if there is anything we can do to support further.

In the meantime, I look forward to welcoming back Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 (plus keyworker children) on the 1st June and Nursery on 8th June.   (Only children who have arranged a space via a member of staff should attend, please do not just turn up unannounced, as this will impact greatly on staffing and social bubbles, and your child is likely to be refused entry).

For those of you who are returning, here are a couple of reminders:

a. We will stagger start and end times for each year group.  R, Y1 and Y6 children will enter through the Y2 door (where I stand in the morning).

  • 8:30 – 8:40: Year 6 (and siblings)

  • 8:40 – 8:50: Year 1 (and siblings)

  • 8:50 – 9:00: Reception, Nursery and any keyworker children without siblings in school

b. At the end of day, children will be dismissed through their normal exit (key worker children will be dismissed through the Year 2 door).  Please collect your youngest child first.

  • 3:00 – 3:10: Reception and Nursery (and older siblings)

  • 3:10 – 3:20: Year 1 (and older siblings)

  • 3:20 – 3:30: Year 6 and any keyworker children without siblings       

c. A member of staff will be on the exit doors from 3pm and will get your child as soon as you arrive. Markings on the playground will help with social distancing.  Please stand back from the doors if there are already parents there.

d. Children should not bring in big bags or coats if possible.  All the children will need is a packed lunch (if they are not ordering a school lunch bag) and a water bottle

I fully appreciate, that there is a lot of information around and everything can feel scary and overwhelming.  Trust me, we are all in the same boat! 

My motto at the moment is stay positive and try keep perspective - it seems to be working so far!! :o)

Thanks for the kind words and support of the last few weeks, it has been gratefully appreciated.  We will keep you up to date with any changes and with the possibility of opening the school to even more children.

The next significant dates are:

  • Monday 8th June - Nursery opens

  • Monday 22nd June - review of whether we can open up to even more children

Take care of yourselves and I wish everyone luck with the next phase. Stay Safe.

Miss Goodson