Year One - Summer Activities - Pirates
Well what a year we have had! It has been lovely to see so many of you back in school. You have worked really hard and have coped really well with the changes that have been in place. For those of you still at home, we can’t wait to see you in September!
Over the summer holidays I would like to set you some activities that are based around pirates! I hope that these will keep you busy, interested and continue to practise all of the things that we have been learning in Year One. Don’t forget to keep reading! Can you complete the Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge? There is a reading adventure map to help you on your way and more information about the scheme here.
You can listen to some pirate songs. Why not make up your own actions to go along with each song?
Find out All About Pirates. You can also find out about different Pirate Ships.
Other activities that you could complete about pirates are:
Find a big box and build your own pirate ship. It could be a model or one that you could sit in! Here are some examples.
Make a treasure map. You can use this template or draw your own.
Write a Wanted Poster. Which pirate do you want to find? What have they done wrong? Think about how they would look. What reward would you give? Use this template or make your own.
Design your own pirate flag. What symbol would you put on your flag and why? Use this template or make your own.
Make a pirate or ocean fact file. Research about the ocean. What creatures live in the ocean? What are the names of some famous pirates?
Continue to practise number bonds to 20 and writing numbers to 100.
In school, the children have enjoyed Cosmic yoga. I am attaching the link for them to enjoy at home. There are lots of different themes for everyone to enjoy!
I hope that you have a fantastic summer. We have had an amazing year and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you.
Have fun and stay safe!
Mrs Williams