Year 3 Home Learning Week Beginning 08.06.2020 and 15.06.2020

Hello again to my fantastic Year 3 class. I hope you are all well and working hard. It has been lovely to speak to some of you over the phone during the past couple of weeks. I really enjoying hearing you all chat so happily about the things you have been doing at home. As you may be aware some more children have started back to school this week and it is fabulous to see so many familiar faces within the group I am teaching. I am missing the rest of you very much and I am hoping we will get to see each other again very soon. Remember you can still send me a message through the website and I will try my best to reply. Ashley, thank you for the present you left for me at school. It really meant a lot and brought a tear to my eye. I definitely needed that pocket hug : )


It is great to see you enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having Ruby. The goslings (baby geese) look very cute, I am impressed with how close you got to them. You are much braver than me them, I think I probably would have ran away : ) Homemade lemonade sounds delicious and I imagine it would be very refreshing in the warm weather we have been having. Chloe, I can see you have been working hard on your Maths and it is beautifully presented. I hope I didn’t trick you with some of the division questions that had remainders : )


In English this week we will be using the text Journey to the Jungle. Your activities will all be based around this text. I have included a copy of the text below but you can also listen to it by following this link - Journey to the Jungle

  1. Journey to the Jungle


Read the text Journey to the Jungle and answer the following questions.

Remember to use the text to support your answers. You will need to use your retrieval and inference skills!

  • Which jungle is going to be explored?

  • List two things the explorer did before he left the camp.

  • Give two reasons why the explorer left early at 6am?

  • Which word in the text means the same as prickly?

  • What did the tiny, yellow flowers smell of?

  • The fish in the plunge pool were hiding. True or False?

  • How do you know?

  • What useful things might the explorer have in his rucksack for exploring? Remember to say why these items would be useful?

  • Why did the explorer measure the trees?

  • The explorer says: It reminded me of the beanstalk in a famous children’s story. What story do you think he is talking about?

Can you find the following words in the text:

discovery trek sturdy trudge dense mesmerising circumference turquoise

Choose 5 of these words and find the definition using a dictionary or an online dictionary. Once you have done that can you use your chosen words in sentences.


This week I would like you to become the explorer. Imagine you had a magical wardrobe that takes you a jungle. It can be as ‘crazy’ as you wish. Draw a picture of your jungle and label it, remembering to include some description, as this will support your writing task.

I would like you to write a jungle log, similar to that of the explorers. Use your senses to describe what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. Remember to also include your emotions. I have included a template to help you plan it out.

  1. Jungle Log Planner

You will need to include:

  • Different forms of punctuation.

  • Expanded noun phrases.

  • Fronted adverbials.

  • Interesting and exciting vocabulary.

  • Conjunctions.

Remember to upload your finished log onto the Home Learning Showcase, I am looking forward to reading them.


This week we will be using focusing on money.

Can you convert these amounts into pounds and pence e.g. 176p = £1 and 76p. Remember we are not using the decimal point yet.

198p 253p 824p 705p 396p 210p 677p

Now can you find the total of the amounts in each of these pictures?

money pic 3.PNG
money pic 2.PNG
money picture 1.PNG

Can you work out these calculations. Remember to convert the amounts so that they are both in pence e.g.

£1 and 76p + 235p = —— 176p + 235p = You can then write the answer in both pence and £ and pence.

134p +£2 and 12p= £3 and 74p + 310p = 545p+289p= £1 and 96p + £5 and 21p 743p - £2 and 34p 864p - £2 and 56p

Maths challenges:

Can you solve these money challenges. Remember to show your working.

challenge 1.PNG
challenge 2.PNG
challenge 3.PNG
challenge 4.PNG
challenge 5.PNG
challenge 6.PNG


As some of you will be aware there was a very important event that took place over the weekend. The SpaceX rocket took off from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, taking two astronauts to the International Space Station. The International Space Station is a science lab that floats approximately 250 miles above the Earth.

For your topic work this week I would like you to research and create a presentation about Space Travel. You can record this in anyway you wish. Some exmaples are a factfile, PowerPoint presentation, poster or even a video. The choice is yours.

Here are some examples of things you may want to include.

  • Kennedy Space Centre.

  • International Space Station.

  • Previous Space Shuttle Launches.

  • SpaceX Launch.

I have included a link to the NASA YouTube channel. This has videos of the launch and the Dragon rocket docking with the International Space Station, as well as live videos from space.

NASA YouTube Channel

Well Being:

This week I would like you to think about what makes you special and unique. We call these ‘special qualities’ and it is important that you recognise these as positive aspects of your personality.

Draw a picture of yourself and list your special qualities around the outside. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • honest

  • thoughtful

  • friendly

Remember you are all amazing in your own way!!

These are only suggestions and there is no expectation for you to complete all of these activities.

Keep smiling Year 3 and I will speak to you soon.

Mrs Dickerson