Nursery Home Learning - Week Beginning 08.06.20 & 15.06.20

Hello Little Winners and Stars, welcome to another week of home learning. We are very excited to see some of you next week. If you are not coming back to school yet don’t worry we will still give you a call and you can speak to Mrs Pearsall if you want to.

A big thank you to Rex for letting us know what you have been doing at home. Rex did some wonderful leaf rubbings, they are very pretty. (even though the leaves were not pretty when you finished with them)! We also love your recreation of Ten Fat Sausages sizzling in a pan, well done you. We would also like to thank Isabelle for sending in photographs of her wonderful blue water sensory bottle. We love your decision to add loom bands, small sea shells, rice and beads. What a fabulous idea. We are glad you had a lot of fun shaking the bottle around.

Remember if you have a drawing or a photograph of what you have been up to, feel free to send it via the Home Learning Showcase. We love to see what you have been up to.

Also, if you would like to send a message to Little Winners teachers or Little Stars teachers, feel free to do so via the stay in touch section on the nursery home page.

Little Winners & Little Stars – Under the Sea

Suggested tasks for Mathematics:

  • Try practising the formation of 1 and 2 digit numbers using a wide range of writing tools e.g. pencils, felts, chalk, crayons.

  • Have a go at counting sea creatures. This is an interactive counting game designed for 2-5 year olds.

  • Why don’t you try and make/ read a map for a treasure hunt?

  • Watch this short video about the Ocean food chains

  • Collect a variety of sea creatures/ animals from your toy collection. Can you talk about the similarities and differences with an adult? Can you sort the animals into groups? Which ones have four legs? Which ones have two legs etc?

Suggested tasks for Literacy:

Suggested tasks for Phonics:

  • Watch the fish swim by in this fun fish game for babies and toddlers! It’s easy to play by pressing any key on desktop or tapping the screen on any mobile device.

  • Listen to 10 Little Hermit Crabs, a fantastic story for phonics.

  • Practise phase 2 set 1 phonic sounds with this fun interactive pirate-themed activity.

Suggested tasks for Understanding the World:

  • Have a go at these hands-on experiences, perfect your, young children…

  • Have a go at this simple sinking and floating and sinking pirate-themed experiment. Experiment 1

  • Have a go at this simple sinking and floating and sinking experiment. Experiment 2

  • Which materials are best to make a boat? Experiment 3

  • How many coins can be added before the boat sinks? Does it make a difference if it’s in saltwater? Experiment 4