Reception home learning week beginning 08.06.20 & 15.06.20

Hello Reception children, it’s been lovely seeing some of you this week, we have had a lot of fun participating in a variety of different activities. To the children who are not back at school yet, we hope you have had a lovely week at home, we miss you loads and can’t wait to see you in the near future.

To begin with, we would like to say a special thank you to, everyone for sending us photos of the wonderful activities they have been doing at home over the past few weeks. Remember if you have a drawing or a photograph of something you have been doing, feel free to send it via the Home Learning Showcase. We love to see your creations.

This week’s home learning is going to concentrate on the book Handa's Surprise, by Eileen Browne. In the story, Handa puts seven delicious fruits in a basket to take to her friend, Akeyo. But as she walks, carrying the basket on her head, various creatures steal her fruits. When she shares her basket with Akeyo, it's Handa who gets the biggest surprise.

front cover.jpg

Literacy ideas:

  1. Before reading the story or watching the story via video look at the title and cover. Predict what the surprise might be. Then, read the blurb on the back cover? Does this give any more clues about the surprise?

  2. The story is full of questions. Look at the use of question marks. What animals are featured in the story? How many questions are there altogether?

  3. Can you think or write your own questions and put a question mark in the correct place?

  4. If you were going to collect some gifts for a friend, what would you give them? Why?

  5. What surprises have people organised for you? Can you think of a nice surprise that you could arrange for somebody else?

  6. What is your favourite fruit? Can you draw your favourite one? Label the picture or write a sentence, using a describing word.

  7. The story is based in south-west Kenya. Can you find this on a map? Can you find out more about the country? How is it similar/different from where you live?

  8. Look at real pictures of Africa/animals/ safari etc.

  9. Play Picnic on Pluto on Phonics play. (Log in using march20 as the username and home as the password). Select phase 3 and the ee sound. Children have to read the word and decide if it is real or fake.

  10. Play Sentence Substitution on Phonics Play. This activity is good for applying blending skills.

  11. Play Tricky Trucks on Phonics Bloom. Sound out the tricky words that appear on each of the trucks. How many tricky words can you say correctly?

Maths ideas:

  1. Can you copy out these Handa’s Surprise themed calculations and fill in the blanks?

  2. If Handa had 7 fruits and the monkey took one away how many left?

  3. If Handa had 10 apples to share with her friend Akeyo how many would they have each?

  4. Take a look at white rose maths home learning.

  5. Weigh and compare the different fruits from the story.

  6. Can you put them in order from lightest to heaviest?

  7. Gather some fruit and use this for data handling activities… What is the favourite type of fruit in your family?

  8. Can you remember how many animals and which animals took each piece of fruit?

  9. Have a go at this missing numbers activity. It focuses on numbers from 0 to 20. You will be presented with a series of numbers and you have to select the apple to find the missing number.

  10. Can you collect animal toys from around your home? How many eyes, legs do they have? Can you count in 2’s?

Creative ideas:

  1. Collect some fruit and vegetables in a basket and draw them. What colours/textures will you need to show?

  2. Have a go at fruit Printing/painting pictures with a variety of fruits.

  3. Play a game about animals in the jungle. Listen carefully to see if you can find the animal that is being described.

  4. Music-Listen to African music-Create a dance.

  5. Listen to a charming animated song about jungle animals. You can sing along and join in with the animal noises.

  6. Draw a map showing Handa's route to see Akeyo and add pictures which shows the events which took place along the way.

  7. Cosmic Yoga Time- Get active with a fun yoga activity based around jungle animals/Jungle Safari .

  8. Draw the animals from the story; monkey, an ostrich, zebra, giraffe, elephant, antelope and a parrot.

  9. Learn all about the animals that live in Kenya.

  10. Are you good at remembering? Have a go at Handa’s Surprise memory game

5 steps to well being:

  1. Connect: Act it out- Use animal toys and real or pretend fruit to act out the story. You can also make up your own using different fruits and animals.

  2. Be active: Balance a basket- How easy is it to walk carrying something on your head? Using a small basket with a few soft items, or a cushion, children can practice walking without holding their load on their heads. This can become a game, with someone trying to take an item without being noticed.

  3. Take notice: Find out more about Kenyan animals here.

  4. Keep learning: Read more books by Eileen Browne, titles include: Handa’s Hen Wait and See No Problem Tick Tock Handa’s Surprising Day Wait for Me! Up the Tree.

  5. Give: Draw a picture of your favourite animals and give it to someone who you care about.