Year 5 Home learning - Week beginning 08-06-20 and 15-06-20

Hello to my fantastic Year 5 class. I hope you are all well. I am missing you all lots but hopefully we will all get to see each other soon. It has been lovely speaking to some of you on the phone over the past couple of weeks and it has been great receiving messages from you. Zach, I am okay thank you very much for asking and thank you for your vote. Isla, thank you for your vote and it sounds like you have been having a great time. You will have to take some pictures of the puppies next you see them so you can show us all when we are back. Jenna, thank you for your message and your vote. Chloe, I hope we can all come back to school soon as well, I know things are not easy but you are doing so well. Remember, you can send me a message through the school website to let me know what you have been up to, ask any questions or share any worries you may have.

Jasmine your lava lamp looks fantastic, you’ve done a great job well done! Chloe, that pasta looks delicious, well done. Remember to send in photos to the homelearning showcase of all the amazing things you have been getting up to.

Last week I asked children to send me a message voting for which book they would like us to read next. I can reveal that the winner is…… The Chronicles of Narnia! I will upload the first chapter next week.

Below are the answers to last week’s challenges on the blog Year 5 Home Learning - Week beginning 25-05-20 and 01-06-20.

Maths challenge answers

English challenge answers

Below are your home learning challenges for the next 2 weeks. Remember these are optional however thinking ahead to whenever we return, it would be beneficial to have a go at some of the challenges. There are also lots of different websites on the Year 5 class page which are uploading weekly home learning challenges if you want to have at go at those.

Design Technology Challenge

For your Design Technology challenge this week, I would like you to have a go at cooking or baking. There are lots of fantastic, healthy recipes on the phunky foods website. Make sure you check with your adult before choosing a recipe as they may need to help you with completing this challenge. You don’t have to choose a recipe from the phunky food website, they are just there as a suggestion. You might even want to take a photo of your cooking or baking for the homelearning showcase

Maths Challenges

Challenge 1: identifying multiples of 9

Can you identify which of the numbers below are multiples of 9? Use the laws of divisibility poster to support you if needed.

Year 5 Laws of divisibility 08.06.20

648          125          379          999          4,230

Challenge 2: Statistics

Your second Maths challenge this week is to practice reading and interpreting line graphs.

Year 5 statistics 08.06.20

Challenge 3: Can you match the graph to the activity?

Challenge 3 08.06.20.PNG

Spelling challenge

Spelling focus: silent letters

Spelling activity: Rainbow sentences

Remember each sentence is a different colour.

Spelling words: knight     wrote     climb     glisten     wrestle     wrap

Handwriting Challenge

Joining the letters i and l

Year 5 Handwriting 08.06.20

Can you copy the joining of i and l in your neatest handwriting?

Extra challenge: Can you write 5 of your own sentences using your handwriting words from this week?

English Challenges

Challenge 1: Brackets

Your first English challenge this week is to have a go at using brackets for parenthesis. Remember parenthesis is where we add extra information to a sentence, the sentence would be still be grammatically correct if we removed the parenthesis.

Example: The girl (who was 10 years old) went to visit her Grandma.

Here is a video explaining how to use brackets: BBC Bitesize Brackets.

Your first challenge is to add brackets to the sentences below.

1.     Robyn has the longest hair which is red in the class.

2.    James who loves sports plays football every Wednesday.

3.    The tin of beans which had been in the cupboard for a long time were no longer edible.

4.    My brother the one who lives in Australia is coming to visit us next year.

5.    I want to be a cameraman when I grow up it looks exciting.

Challenge 2: Using conjunctions for cohesion

Your second challenge this week is to practice using conjunctions for cohesion. Conjunctions can help your writing to flow better, this is called cohesion. Remember there are subordinating conjunctions and co-ordinating conjunctions. Examples of both types of conjunctions and the link to your task are below.

Year 5 subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions 08.06.20

Year 5 conjunctions for cohesion 08.06.20

Challenge 3: Diary entry

On Saturday 30th May 2020, Space X (a company founded by Elon Musk) launched a private rocket into Space. The was the first rocket to launch from America since 2011. The two astronauts inside the rocket are Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken. They are travelling to the International Space Station (ISS). Below are some images of the rocket and the astronauts.

Your third English challenge this week is to write a diary entry from the perspective of one of the astronauts. Remember to include the following in your diary entry

  • Past tense

  • Thoughts and feelings

  • Amazing adjectives

  • Opinions

  • Informal style of writing

  • The 5 senses – what has the writer seen, heard, tasted, smelt and touched?

Remember, you can use to find synonyms for any vocabulary you use or to up-level your vocabulary choices. Remember to check that the word makes sense within your sentence before using it. I would also like you to include 5 of our statutory spellings in your writing.

Below are some examples of diary entries to support you.

Year 5 Diary Entry examples 08.06.20

Health and Wellbeing challenge

For your health and wellbeing challenge this week, I would like you to reflect on things that make you feel safe and joyful. This could be an object like a teddy, a book or a toy or it might be a person, maybe a family member or a friend. You might want to write a list of these things or maybe draw them. However you decide to present this, I would like to write some sentences explaining why that particular thing makes you feel safe and joyful.

Stay safe, stay positive and keep smiling.

Miss Twigger