Year 3 Home Learning - Week Beginning 25.05.2020

Hello again to my amazing Year 3 class. I want to start this weeks blog by letting you all know how incredibly proud I am of each and every one of you. I know the situation we find ourselves in is strange and very difficult but you are all working hard and playing your part in keeping everybody in our community safe. I would also like to say a big thank you and well done to all your family who are working with you. As a parent, I know that at times it can be challenging but you are doing a fabulous job and myself and the children greatly appreciate all your hard work and effort. Children, now may be a good time to give them a hug and tell them that you love them : )

Thank you for your messages again this week. Chloe, I am very excited about making cookie dough. Nancy and I are going to do it together this weekend and once completed I will post some photos. I especially liked the part in your instructions where it says I can eat it with ice-cream, it made me very happy :) Ethan, thank you so much for your message. it brought a tear to my eye. I am missing you very much too and am keeping my fingers crossed that we will be able to see each other again soon. Please keep sending your messages in to me and if you have a question I will do my very best to get back to you, even if I need to ring and speak to you on the phone.


Chloe, you and Isabelle have been very busy this week. Your Tudor rose and rocket are fabulous. I love the look of your homemade play sand. I’m sure it was great fun though I can imagine it was very messy. hope you helped Mum to tidy up afterwards. Ruby, it has been the perfect weather for gardening and it looks like you were having a great time helping Mum and Dad. Mrs Williams will be very proud of your efforts, I will make sure I tell her. Chloe, your factfile about the Spanish Armada is excellent and beautifully presented. Please keep sharing your photos on the Home Learning Showcase.

Our home learning this week will continue to focus on the Spanish Armada.


Your reading activity this week is based on inference. Remember inference is when we look for clues in a picture or text to help us answer questions.

I would like you to study the pictures below and then answer the questions. Remember you must use evidence from the picture to support your answer.

The title of this picture is Evacuation.

  • Why are all these people on the boat?

  • Do you think the people on the boat know each other and why?

  • What do you think has happened?

  • How do you think they feel about it?

  • Why do you think there are no other boats around?

  • Where do you think this is set and why?

The title of the next picture is Something Familiar.

  • Why do you think the black cat is the only one looking at the witch?

  • Why do you think the witch came to the shop?

  • Why do you think the title is ‘Something Familiar’?

  • Do you think the witch and the cat already know each other and why?

  • What time of day do you think the picture is set and why?


Last week you found out all about the Spanish Armada. This week I would like you to pretend that you are a sailor on board one of the ships in the Spanish fleet and write a diary about the events that have taken place.

Your diary should be written in the past tense and should inform people about what was happening during that day/week.

It does not need to be completely factual - use your imagination to describe things such as the weather, your fellow sailors and what the ship was like as well as what happened when your ship was attacked.

Remember to think about what you would hear, see, smell and how you would be feeling.

You could plan your writing first using a mind map to write down your ideas like we do in class.

Things to include:

  • Fronted adverbials

  • Expanded noun phrases

  • Conjunctions

  • Interesting vocabulary - remember to use a thesaurus to help.

  • Different types of punctuation including exclamation marks and inverted commas for any speech.


This week we will be focusing on the Year 3/4 statutory spellings. For the following 10 words, I would like you to find the definition and then include each one in a sentence.

  • century

  • island

  • occasionally

  • possess

  • history

  • grammar

  • various

  • reign

  • business

  • peculiar


This week we will be focusing on multiplication and division.

I have included links to Percy Parker times tables songs for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables as a reminder.

3 times table 4 times table 8 times table

Here are a selection of multiplication calculations. You will be multiplying a 2 digit number by a single digit number. Remember some of the calculations will need you carry across into the tens or hundreds column. I have also included multiplying 3 digit numbers by single digit numbers for you.


  1. Can you complete the Ultimate Times Table missing number quiz?

I would now like you to solve these division calculations. Remember to use a number line and to count back in steps of the number you are dividing by. Some may include remainders.

division 2.PNG
Division 1.PNG
division 3.PNG
division 4.PNG
problem 1.PNG
problem 4.PNG
problem 5.PNG


We have been learning about the different food groups and eating a balanced diet. This week I would like you to design and if possible prepare (with adult support) a healthy meal. Can you label you design to identify which food group part of your meal belongs to. I have included a copy of the eatwell plate to support you.


I would like you to practise counting up to 10. Maybe you could try counting up to 20. I have included a video to help remind you.


Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous Tudor explorer and one of Queen Elizabeth I favourite courtiers.

I have included a list of places that are associated with him. I would like you to find out how he is connected to each of these places and record your work in sentences. You may also like to locate these places on a map or using Google Earth.

  • Devon

  • Oxford

  • London

  • Ireland

  • North Carolina

  • Venezuela

Challenge: Can you find out about any other places that were significant to Sir Walter Raleigh?

Well Being:

This week I would like you to take some time to play a game with your family. This could be a board game, card game or even throwing and catching a ball in the garden. Just enjoy spending some quality time together.

Keep smiling Year 3 and I will speak to you all soon.

Mrs Dickerson