Year 4 Home Learning - Week beginning 25.05.20 and 01.06.20

Hello my Fantastic Fours!

Welcome to another home learning blog. I hope you are staying safe in the sunshine (lots of sun-cream!) and enjoying a little more freedom too.

A massive thank you for all of your messages this week! It is so lovely to recieve them from so many of you. Chloe, I would just like to say a huge Happy Birthday for a couple of days ago, I hope you had the best day possible and were spoiled rotten. Your message was very kind, thank you. Piran, Kayla and Lillie your messages brought a tear to my eye and really made my day. Thank you so much. Please keep sending them in by clicking the following link - send Miss Whitley a message :) and of course keep uploading your brilliant work onto our Home Learning Showcase.

This weeks gallery:

Once again, there has been some wonderful work going on at home which has been kindly shared onto our home learning showcase. Noah I’m glad to see that you are staying active, enjoying long walks with the family and keeping on practicing those spellings, well done! Frances I love your board game and would really like to have a go! It’s a brilliant way to practice using money. When we see each other again we will definitely have a game or two :) Kayla your Henry VIII new wife advert is a lovely piece of writing and very persuasive, I love your use of rhetorical questions. I hope you enjoyed investigating home made dyes as well, I would love to know what you tested and which fruits and vegetables made the nicest colours. Piran, your ‘lonely king looking for love’ advert is fab too! Super use of alliteration in the title and as always some lovely vocabulary used. Your computing skills are pretty impressive too! Keep up the brilliant work Year 4! I wonder who will feature in our gallery next week ….

I have included your Home Learning Tasks for this week below. Please remember that these are just suggestions and there are no expectations for you to complete all of the activities.


This week we will be continuing our Tudors topic by learning all about the life of Queen Elizabeth I (one of King Henry VIII’s daughters). Read the biography and then use your retrieval and inference skills to answer the questions. Remember to answer as fully as you can and use some evidence from the text to prove your answers!

You can check and mark your answers here - Queen Elizabeth biography answers.


For your writing challenge this week, I would like you to use what you have learnt from the biography to get into character and write a letter, pretending that you are Queen Elizabeth I. Throughout her life, Elizabeth was a keen letter writer. Pretend you are Elizabeth and write a letter to a friend about one of the following:

  1. Being arrested and held a prisoner in the Tower of London - don’t forget to tell your friend that you are innocent!

  2. Becoming queen - how might that feel? Would you feel excited, scared, nervous or perhaps a mixture of all of them. What might you look forward too or be worried about?

  3. When the English defeated the Spanish Armada - how would you celebrate? How would you have felt?

Remember to include lots of personal thoughts and feelings as this is an informal letter to a friend. You could even include some questions to ask your friend so that they can respond to you. Also, don’t forget that letters have a special layout, you could use the template below or create your own.


Can you help me edit the sentences below by correcting the spelling mistakes?

For extra spelling practice this week, use Spelling Frame Rule 22 to continue learning your homophones.


For maths this week we will be learning all about statistics. We will explore interpreting charts, comparison, sum and difference and we will begin to look at line graphs. As well as giving opportunities for children to practice fluency, the activities will help them to develop reasoning and problem-solving skills too. You can use the PowerPoint Presentations below to learn how each problem is done. Then you can try it yourself using the question sheets and check your work using the answers.

Interpret charts - presentation, questions, answers

Comparison, sum and difference - presentation, questions, answers

Introducing line graphs - presentation, questions, answers

Using line graphs - presentation, questions, answers

You can also use MyMiniMaths to practice your arithmetic and key maths skills. This week try number 18 - reading information from bar charts or number 29 - interpreting data from line graphs. Can you complete the challenge for each day of the week? There are extra challenges in the home learning section too!


This week we will look a little closer at The Spanish Armada which was a Spanish Naval Fleet that attempted to attack Britain during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

I would like you to do some of your own research into the Spanish Armada and produce a factual presentation including everything that you have found out. It’s up to you how you will present your information, you could make a poster or write a fact file, or perhaps you would like to use your computing skills to make a PowerPoint, Word document or even a short video …. it’s completely up to you but however you decide to present your research; make sure you plan it out first!


After the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the English celebrated with feasts and parties and a very special medal was created. It depicted the battle in the middle and around the edge were written some special words which can now be translated to “Gods blew the winds and they were scattered.”

This showed the important part that the storm played in the defeat of the Spanish and also showed that the English believed that god was on their side. The medal was a unique and special way to celebrate the achievement of the English and showed how proud they were to have overcome and defeated the Spanish.

I would like you to have a think about your own achievements and identify something that you are proud of achieving or overcoming. This is completely personal to you and doesn’t have to be anything big. You can then use the template below (or make your own) to design your own medal to celebrate your personal achievement - wear it proudly or keep it somewhere where you can look at it and always be reminded of your achievements!

Happy home learning everyone!

We are so very proud of you!

Stay safe and we will hopefully see you all back at school soon.

Miss Whitley

Year 4Lydia Whitley