Year 2 Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020

Hello to my amazing Year 2 class!

It has been lovely to speak to a lot of you over the last 2 weeks on the phone and I am so proud of how well you are all getting on at home. So many of you are working incredibly hard and still keeping up with your learning at home.

Amelia and Seren-Grace I am so proud of the work you have been putting onto the Learning showcase. Amelia you have worked really hard on your maths work and I hope you enjoyed looking at the habitats of different minibeasts. Seren-Grace, your division work is brilliant and I love your ideas for your dinosaur story, I hope Noah stays safe and doesn’t find himself face to face with a dinosaur. It would be great if we could have more examples of Year 2 work on the website next week.

I have really enjoyed listening to the radio podcast on the website this week. So many of you got involved which was brilliant! James, your joke really did make my laugh! Well done to Seren-Grace, Eden, Tegan, Janey, Dotty, Cian, Taye, James and Harriet for recording a shout out for everyone to listen to. Also, to the children who have been in the Y2/3 Keyworker group in school I loved your recording of A Million Dreams.

As part of your English work this week I would like you to have a look at the information about poems on the BBC Bitesize website. Could you listen to some of the videos of poems being read? Could you find some poems to look at your self and find rhyming words? Could you explore different types of poems? It would also be lovely if you could have a go at writing your own poems.

I have attached some work as usual for you this week. There are some images to help you to sketch some cartoon animals, I would love to see your attempts. There is also some history work that I thought might interest you, have a go at completing your own research. Remember you do not need to complete everything that I have uploaded but have a go at some of it.

  1. Year 2 - Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020 - Arithmetic

  2. Year 2 - Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020 - Maths Problems

  3. Year 2 - Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020 - English

  4. Year 2 - Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020 - History

  5. Year 2 - Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020 - Sketching

  6. Year 2 - Home Learning WB 22.06.2020 and WB 29.06.2020 - Well-Being

I am really looking forward to seeing more of you in school next week, I have lots planned!

Keep smiling and I will see you all soon

Miss Hughes