Year One Home Learning- Week Beginning 11-5-20- Dragons- Part One

Good morning Year One!

I hope that you are all staying safe at home and are keeping in good spirits.

We have seen some fantastic photos added to the Home Learning Showcase this week. Isabelle has completed some writing about Bones, and Ruby has made a model castle with a drawbridge and one that that fits 2 people in! Well done both of you! It’s been lovely seeing what you’ve been up to.

For this week I want to continue our theme of Castles, Knights and Dragons, and spend the next two weeks completing work on Dragons! I want us to have lots of fun with dragons so, to start off with, why not remind yourself of the dragon in Zog? If you have the book at home, you could read it yourself! You can watch the video of zog for free on iplayer


The following activities are designed for you to use words that you know, and to learn new words to describe dragons. Here are a list of adjectives that you could use to describe a dragon. Talk to someone about what the words mean. Can you think of any other words?

  • Look at pictures of dragons. Which one do you like best and why? Draw a picture of a dragon’s egg, or use the template here. On your egg, write words that you would use to describe your dragon. Is it ferocious or kind? Does it have scaly skin? How big is it?

  • Use the words that you have collected on your egg to write 5 sentences about the dragon inside. Use different sentence starters to make it more interesting. Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and that it makes sense. Try and do this sitting at a table and in your very best handwriting. Can you use “and” in one of your sentences and “because” in another?

  • Practice reading and writing the Year One Common Exception words. You can find the list here. Why not write them in chalk outside? Perhaps write them on pieces of paper and put them around your house or play a pairs game with them. Find them in any books that you have. How many can you find on one page?


Some of you may be finding the Letters and Sounds for Home and School videos useful. Please continue to watch these or you might try some of the phonics activities below. Either is fine as long as you are continuing to use your phonics skills to help improve your reading. Alternatively, you could use these short videos to help you. Phase 5- Split digraphs, Phase 5- Vowel digraphs-ay, ou, ie, ea- , Phase 5- Vowel digraphs- oi, ir, ue, aw

  • Play Dragon’s Den. You are practising all of the Phase 5 phonemes. Read the real words and the alien words. This will help you to read unfamiliar words that you come across in books.

  • Play Forest Phonics- Press on the snail and segment the word that you hear. Use the phonemes at the bottom to write each word, then check your answer.

  • Play Poop Deck Pirates- An alternative to Buried Treasure, read the words and decide if they are real or nonsense words.


Please continue to use the White Rose Maths Home Learning pages. We follow White Rose in school and they have excellent videos and activities. Alternatively, you could use BBC Bitewise or the Oak National Academy. Please try to do a little every day.

Other games that you could try are as follows:


For topic lessons this week I want you to have fun with dragons! Feel free to complete any, or all of the activities below or create one of your own.

  • Make a dragon! You could use a paper plate, a piece of cardboard and whatever to have to hand to decorate it. It could be a mask, a toy or a life size model! Use these examples to help you.

  • Look at a map of the world. Where do you think your dragon would live? Which continent would it choose? Find out what a continent is here. Find out about the different continents here.

  • Play a board game with your family. If you don’t have one, or have already played them, why not make your own? You can find some ideas here.

  • Make a dragon puppet. You could use an old sock, paper or lolly stick. What would your dragon say? Who would he talk to? Keep your puppet safe. You might need it for next week’s activities!

I hope that you all have a good week. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Mrs Williams