Year 5 Home Learning - Week beginning 11-05-20

Hello to my amazing Year 5 class. I hope you are well and have been keeping busy. It has been lovely to receive messages from some of you letting me know what you have been up to. It really makes me smile when I see that you have been in touch. Jah, I have put some information about VE day on the Year 5 class page for you and Maja it is great to hear you have been busy doing lots of different learning challenges. I can’t wait to see the photos. Remember, you can send me a message through the school website.

It has also been lovely to see some fantastic work on the Homelearning Showcase! Isla, I can see you have been extremely busy! Your telephone looks fantastic and it is lovely to see you have been researching influential people. I also thought that cake looked delicious! Erin, it’s fantastic to see that you have been working on your Maths and Spellings, keep up the great work!

Remember you can share what you have been doing at home with me through the Homelearning Showcase.

Below are your learning challenges for this week. Please remember that these are optional. I have posted links to other websites who are releasing weekly learning challenges for the children on the Year 5 class page so there are lots of different activities to choose from. I have also updated the Year 5 class page with some VE day activities and information as well as some more keepsake ideas. There is also another chapter of Journey to the Centre of the Earth on our Reading and Storytime page.

Reading challenge

I am going to give you a short description of a new teacher in David Walliams ‘World’s Worst Teachers’. The teachers name is ‘Mr Phobe’. Your task this week is to predict what Mr Phobe’s frightful fear could be. Can you use evidence from the text to support your prediction?


Mr Phobe’s Fear

Not all of the world’s worst teachers are villains. Some are just very,very,very bad teachers. This is the story of a very,very,very,very,very bad teacher. A teacher so bad, in fact, that he never, ever taught. A teacher who doesn’t teach? What nonsense is this? Please let me explain. Mr Phobe was a HEAD teacher. However, Mr Phobe had a fear. A frightful fear that made his…


I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Science Challenge

Challenge 1: The big question

Your first challenge this week is to design a new invention to help you answer the question:

How would you stay warm in the Arctic?

You need to think about any materials you would need to make your new invention. You then need to write down the method. The method is a list of steps you have taken to produce the invention.

Here are some points to think about when planning:

  • Where is the Arctic?

  • What is the climate like there?

  • Why is it important to keep warm?

  • What animals live in the Arctic?

  • How do animals in the Arctic keep warm?

  • How do you keep warm at home?

Challenge 2: Experiment

For your second Science challenge this week, I would like you to have a go at one of the following experiments. There are lots to choose from and all require minimal equipment.

Maths Challenges

Challenge 1: Laws of divisibility

Using the laws of divisibility, can you identify which of these numbers are multiples of 3 and explain how you know.

825          1,567          3,905        36          962

Here is the laws of divisibility to support you: Year 5 laws of divisibility 11.05.20

Challenge 2: Missing number subtraction and division problems

Your second challenge this week is to complete some missing number subtraction and division problems. Remember when completing a missing number subtraction or division problem if we have the biggest number we don’t use the inverse. We only use the inverse if the biggest number is missing. There are examples below if you would like support.

Year 5 missing number subtraction examples 11.05.20

Year 5 missing number division examples 11.05.20

1.     ? divided by 4 = 10

2.    48 divided by ? = 8

3.    ? divided by 7 = 176

4.  270 divided by ? = 9

5.    ? divided by 5 = 112

6.    623 divided by ? = 7

7.    ? divided by 8 = 12

8.    276 divided by ? = 23

9.    ? divided by 4 = 320

10.  252 divided by ? = 3

11. ? – 456 = 1,230

12. 890 - ? = 145

13. ? – 7,654 = 90

14. 13,478 - ? = 3,896

15. ? – 9,876 = 3,765

16. 123,908 - ? = 65,789

17. ? – 8,543 = 23

18.  7,612 - ? = 4,290

19. ? – 16,542 = 11,903

20. 23,497 - ? = 10,754

Challenge 3: Do you agree or disagree with Richard?

Richard probem 11.05.20.PNG

Spelling challenge

Spelling focus: homophones  

Spelling activity: Can you write the vowels in each word in blue?

Whole          hole          seen          scene          whose          who’s         knight          night

Handwriting Challenge

Joining the letters g and e

Year 5 Handwriting 11.05.20

Can you copy the joining of g and e in your neatest handwriting?

Extra challenge: Can you write 5 of your own sentences using your handwriting words from this week?

English Challenges

Challenge 1: Anagrams

Here I have some words but I have put the letters in the wrong order.  Can you unscramble the letters to identify the message I have written?




G    I    Z     A    N    A    M

E    T    I    S    V    O    I    E P

F    R    N    W    D    U    E    O    L



Challenge 2: Prepositions

Your second challenge this week involves selecting the most appropriate prepositions and including prepositions within sentences. Below is the link to your second challenge and there is also a link to a preposition word mat to support you.

Year 5 Prepositions 11.05.20

Year 5 Preposition word mat 11.05.20

Challenge 3: Non-Chronological Report

Your third challenge this week is to write a non-chronological report on an animal of your choice.  When writing your non-chronological report, remember to include the following:

  • Heading – tells the reader what your text is about

  • Brief introduction

  • Sub-headings – tells the reader what the paragraph is about

  • Paragraphs

  • Facts

You might also decide to include bullet points and a diagram in your non-chronological report.

If you would like some examples of non-chronological reports to support with your writing click the link below.

Year 5 Non-chronological report examples 11.05.20

Health and Wellbeing challenge

Your health and wellbeing challenge this week is to think about things you are grateful for. I would like you to think of 5 things that you are grateful for, if you think of more than 5 that’s great! Once you have thought of your 5 things I would like you to write them down and share them with your family. It might be nice if your family also complete the challenge then they can share what they are grateful for with you.

Stay safe, stay positive and keep smiling.

Miss Twigger