Year One - Week beginning 4th May 2020 - Celebrations

Good morning Year One!

I hope that you are all well. I know that it’s been harder this week with the weather not being as nice, but I’m sure there will be more sunny days as we leave April behind and move into May.

We have had some brilliant pictures sent to the Home Learning Showcase this week. Ophelia has been busy painting and making her own bumble bee and butterfly, and Isabelle has made an elephant! Well done girls! You have been very creative! Who can upload a picture for our gallery next week?

Usually, the first Monday in May is bank holiday to celebrate May Day. Below are a selection of pictures from different May Day celebrations.

This year, the bank holiday was moved to a Friday 8th May to celebrate VE Day.

Now, obviously, because none of us are at school at the moment, it won’t be an extra day off school (we’ve had enough of those). However, we can still find ways to celebrate. I thought it would be nice to base our activities this week around a celebration to keep our spirits up. We still have lots to celebrate!

You can read more about VE Day here, or watch a video on how VE Day has been celebrated in the past here.


  • Write an invitation to your family, or your toys, inviting them to come to a garden party to celebrate VE Day. Don’t forget to tell them what time to come!

  • Write menu of food that you will have at your garden party. What fillings will there be in the sandwiches? Will there be cakes? Find some examples here.

  • Write me a letter telling me all about your celebrations. You could upload it to the Home Learning Showcase, or post it to school.

  • Plan some games and activities for your toys , or your family, to complete. You could set challenges, play a board game, play eye spy, or make up a dance. Write your plan down. You could add drawings to help explain it to people.


White Rose have changed their Home Learning weekly videos with activities. You can access the videos here. You can also look at the Oak National Academy website. They offer teaching videos and give you the opportunity to complete daily activities too. Start at lesson one and work your way through. These are all based around weighing and measuring. The following activities will improve your arithmetic skills:

  • Fun Ordering Numbers Games These should all work on tablets and phones, as well as computers. Start with numbers 1-50 and move onto 1-100.

  • Addition and Subtraction Games Start with numbers to 10 and move onto numbers to 20. Use counters and objects to help you if you need to.

  • BBC Bitesize There are also videos for you to watch on the BBC Bitesize website. You can also find daily lessons for you to watch, with activities to complete.


Here are some other ideas for activities that you could complete this week:

  • Make bunting to hang around your garden. Draw pictures or the Union flag. You can find a Union Flag template here or a blank version here.

  • Find some colourful flowers and press them between books. Stick them onto paper to make a spring picture.

  • Make a healthy sandwich for you garden party. Could you add some salad to it? Cucumber? Tomatoes? Grated carrot?

  • Make a cake! Don’t forget to ask an adult to help you.

  • Read this factfile to find out more about VE Day.

  • Draw a picture of people celebrating VE Day or why not try this mindfulness colouring here.

  • Make a list of reasons to celebrate. Illustrate it and upload it to the Home Learning Showcase.

I hope that you all have a good week and don’t forget, you can always send me a message.

Stay safe!

Mrs Williams