Year 4 Home Learning - Week beginning 04.05.20

Hello Year 4!

I hope you have all had a lovely week and are ready for your next home learning blog :) We are all extremely proud of the work that you have been sharing on our Home Learning Showcase! So keep working hard, learning as much as you can and of course keep sharing!

Also, another big thank you to everyone that has sent me a message this week - keep sending them in as you know I love to hear from you! You can send me a message by clicking here - send Miss Whitley a message.

Piran - I have had a lovely Easter thank you and I am glad you did too! Oh my goodness … your Egypt video is AMAZING! Very persuasive! I am super impressed by the green screen too. I can’t wait to see your coat of arms and I will take a walk to see the scarecrows - thank you for the tip!

Kayla - I am so glad that you are enjoying your walks with your family, I love looking for pretty flowers too! Unfortunately I am not sure what is going to happen at the end of lockdown but I can tell you that whatever happens, we will all work it out together, so try not to worry too much :)

Noah - We miss you too! I am sure all of your friends are just as eager to see you as you are to see them! I absolutely love the tea bag effect on your newspaper report for the Tudor Times and I think you told Tom’s side of the story very well … I really like your tree decorations too! Keep up the good work Noah!

Matthew - Your Egypt brochure looks brilliant! I love the way you have used pictures and headings to break up and organise your writing - well done! There are lots of lovely interesting facts in there too - you have clearly done your research :)

Below you will find your Home Learning tasks for this week - we are continuing our work on The Tudors.


This week I would like you to read the fact file all about Catherine of Aragon (one of Henry VIII’s wives).

Can you answer the questions using your retrieval skills? Don’t forget to use the sub-headings to help you find the information you need even quicker without re-reading the whole text!


For your writing task this week, I would like you to write an advert for Tudor Life magazine! Check out the magazine front cover here.

Pretend that you are a writer/journalist in Tudor times. Henry VIII is the king … but he seems to be having some trouble finding a new wife … I wonder why?!? Your job is to write an advert that will attract a new wife for the king! You will need to include a description of Henry VIII (appearance, personality, likes and dislikes) trying to make him sound as nice as possible and then you will need to explain what sort of wife King Henry would like to have - what is he looking for? You could even include some tips and advice for any lady considering marrying the king or perhaps a helpful list of things that went wrong in his previous marriages! Remember, you are going to have to use your persuasive writing skills if you want to convince the ladies that Henry VIII would be a good husband!


Miss Whitley has been writing sentences too early in the morning again!! I’m sure they are full of spelling mistakes! Can you help me by spotting and correcting the mistakes in my sentences?

  1. We must always put a full stop at the end of a centents.

  2. Jim managed to compleet the game.

  3. My favrit pie is apple and blackberry.

  4. My gran is a very speshul person.

  5. The match will continyou after the rain has stopt.

  6. Pete said he has had enuf now.


For maths this week we will be recapping the work that we have done on multiplication and division following the White Rose Maths Hub home learning lessons - Summer Term Week 3. Use the videos to help you complete the daily learning activities but don’t forget to warm up your brain first by completing the Flashback challenge at the start of each video! To complete the lesson activity you can either download and print the challenge sheet or you can simply use a piece of paper to record your answers. You can then check your answers using the ‘Get the answers’ link.

You can also use MyMiniMaths to practice your arithmetic. This week try number 47 - solving problems with multiplication and division. Can you complete the challenge for each day of the week?


Did you know: The Tudors used dyes to colour pieces of cloth and fabric to make their clothes? But what is even more interesting is … the dyes usually came from plants!! Walnut made a brown colour, a plant called madder made a red colour and another plant called woad made a blue colour.

I wonder if you can use parts of plants to make your own dyes? You could try coloured plants like beetroot, blackberries, tomatoes or perhaps some brightly coloured leaves and flowers from the garden. How many different colours can you make? Which parts of the plants make good dyes? Which materials (eg paper, plastic, wool, cotton, metal) are good for dyeing? I would like you to conduct and experiment to find out!

Below are some videos that show you how to make natural dyes from plants and food. There is even a method called flower pounding that you could try, it looks super fun! Click the links to watch and make sure that you are wearing old clothes …. you will also need an adult to help you with the hot water and picking the plants too.

Flower pounding Natural dyes from food and plants

Make sure you record which plant/food makes which colour and don’t worry if you don’t have any fabric to test your dyes, it works just as well with paper! You could even use your dyes as paints to paint a picture (or a Tudor portrait). Experiment with lots of different things, some might work and some might not but it’s up to you to find out!

Please make sure that you conduct your experiment with an adult and follow all of the safety advice in the videos.

Happy experimenting!

Miss Whitley