Year 6 Home Learning - Week beginning 04.05.2020

Another week. Another brilliant showing of year 6 work on the school website! well done to all of you who have been able to post some examples of your work. I have enjoyed speaking to many of you this week on the phone. I know they are slightly awkward conversations but they cheer me up no end, hearing that you are all doing well and enjoying the work that is being set for you! It sounds like the whole household are enjoying the challenge of the Maths round at Alex’s - keep it up!

Hearing from you via the website has cheered me up no end this week. It is reassuring to hear that you are able to access and complete the work set for you, thank you to those who have sent through messages.


This week, the work set by the ‘Oak National Academy’s’ English program will be focussed on creative writing and setting descriptions. If you are able, it would be useful to follow the English lessons set out here. When thinking about your own writing, you could link this back to writing a descriptive setting based solely on one of the locations travelled to by Charles Darwin (even on board HMS Beagle), building from research completed in previous weeks.

If you have not done so already, you could research locations in Derbyshire that were pivotal during the Industrial Revolution (circa 1760-1840ish), a period which began before the Victorian Era but that was still happening during the first years of Victoria’s reign and which pathed the way for many of the successes seen during this time. In completing this work you will hopefully learn more about such things as the famous Arkwright's Cromford Mill, the world’s first water-powered cotton mill. This will lend itself nicely to a description of a setting.

When writing a description of a setting remember to use your ITAF sheet to make sure your writing is of year 6 standard. I have included an interesting PowerPoint that may be useful, some of the vocabulary used is very descriptive. Remember your 5 senses in a description.

By accessing the Oak National Academy learning, you will follow along with both reading comprehension activities as well as spelling work, but please continue to develop your understanding of and your ability to spell the year 5/6 words Find these files in last weeks Blog).


Please continue to follow the home learning section on the White Rose Maths website. complete what you can. I know that some of the problems can be very abstract and challenging but this is designed to deepen your understanding of the topic, a challenge is good and sometimes working at it and not giving up is just as important as getting to the right answer. If you need refreshing on how to use bar models, there are useful videos to help on YouTube, this video for example goes through solving a ratio problem much like you will have seen when we were completing Barvember. Use this to refresh your memory if need be.

Please find some more arithmetic work for you to complete, found on the myminimaths website there is no need to print these off if you have somewhere to show your working, the answer is what is important! 


This may be slightly cruel, in that this weeks project would be ideal for a visit to the locations studied. Though I truly believe that we all should be thinking about what it is we want to do when Lockdown is lifted (in line with Gov. guidance) and a trip to one of the locations you find out about may be an ideal contender for your list of ‘places to go (when we can).’

This week I would like you to focus on the below History objectives:

I understand the complexity of people’s lives in the past and how some societies are very different due to changes or challenges at the time. 

I can see the relationship between different periods and the legacy or impacts for me and my identity. 

And research the question: What impact did the Industrial revolution have on the lives of people living in Derbyshire? (you may wish to choose Staffordshire, this is your choice though I know the impact on Derbyshire was significant)

This will lead to the follow-up question: How has the changes seen during the industrial revolution effected my life?

In researching these questions, you will be studying places, and this links to the Geography focus of completing a locality study, for somewhere like Cromford Mill for example. you may have family ties to a local area or industry, be it the mills, the railway or even, over the boarder here in Staffordshire it may be the brewery. Whatever it is, please be creative in how the work is presented, and enjoy!

Year 6Sam Hickey