Castles, Knights and Dragons! Year One Home Learning - Week Beginning 20-4-20
Hello Year One!
I hope that you have all had a fun Easter and not eaten too much chocolate!
As this is the start of a new term, we have an exciting new topic to inspire our learning: Castles. Knights and Dragons!
Activities will be based around this topic and I will set activities weekly, trying to make them exciting, fun and interesting so that you don’t get too bored at home. Please use these as ideas and feel free to create your own.
So, for this week, I want you to think about castles.
Your first activity is to find the meaning of these words. You could ask an adult, look in a book that you may have or look online, with adult guidance. Use the links at the bottom of the page to help.
drawbridge dungeon keep moat turret
Write a description of what your castle would look like. Can you write 4-5 sentences telling me all about it? Don’t forget capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and to re-read your sentence to check that it makes sense. Some of your sentences might be extended and have “and” or “because” in them. When you have finished, get a grown up to close their eyes and read your work to them. Were they able to imagine your castle?
Phonics- I would like you to concentrate on two phonemes this week. ch and j
Did you know that the ch phoneme can also be spelt tch? Did you also know that when the letters dge are together, they can make a j phoneme?
For example:
chair, chop, chatter, watch, witch and ditch
jacket, jar, jet, badge, ledge and hedge (judge has both graphemes!)
And don’t forget to read, read, read. Can you find these graphemes in your books? For all the grown up’s I have also found some question prompts for you here.
This week, I would like to use the topic of castles for you to name and describe different shapes.
For 2D (or flat shapes) think about how many sides does it have? How many vertices (corners)?
For 3D shapes (solid shapes), can you count the faces, vertices (corners) and edges?
Can you find a picture of a castle and see how many shapes you can find? Or go on your very own shape hunt around your castle (otherwise known as your house)!
There is also the White Rose Maths Home learning lessons for you. We are on Summer Term week one.
The following activities are ideas you can use, or find your own. In activities that you do with your families, how can you relate this to thinking about castles?
Research - what can you find out about castles? What were they made of? What features do they have? Look in any books you may have, look online with a grown up or ask someone you know. Here is some information to get you started.
Use what you have learnt so far to draw your own castle. How many turrets will it have? What shape are they? How big is the moat or drawbridge? Use any stories that you know, films you have watched or your favourite Disney princess or superhero as an inspiration.
Use any construction toys that you have in your house to build your own castle. This could be lego, Duplo or moon sand. Why not take a picture and upload it to the Home Learning Showcase?
Use any cardboard boxes, kitchen roll tubes or packets to create your own recycled castle.
Build a castle den. You could use any blue material for the moat and boxes or sheets to make the castle.
Some useful websites:
To find out more about castles, why not have a look on these websites?
From Monday, BBC Bitesize are producing daily lessons for every year group. Why not follow the link and take a look? On Monday in Year One, they are starting with Rosa Parks!
I hope that you all have a good week. Please message me if you have any questions and don’t forget to upload anything that you would like to show us to the Home Learning Showcase. I am really proud of how you are all doing. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you all soon.
Mrs Williams