Year 3 - Home Learning - Week Beginning 30.03.2020
Good Morning Year 3, I hope you are all keeping well and have been working on some of the learning that was sent home with you last week, as well as enjoying some of the lovely sunshine we have had. I am missing you all, particularly your enthusiasm and love for learning . I am loving seeing some of the things you have been doing at home in our showcase and I am looking forward to seeing many more over the coming weeks. Ruby and Lillie your pictures are fabulous.
I have attached a link to a video for you to watch (Tadeo Jones). I would like you to write a diary entry for one of the characters. Remember it should be in past tense and should include all the grammatical features we have been learning about including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and speech. Think about how they might be feeling and using your senses to say what they might see, hear and smell. I am looking forward to reading some in the showcase during the week.
I would also like you to write a conversation that the 2 characters may be having with each other. Remember to punctuate the speech correctly.
Tadeo Jones (Web Link)
Your maths for this week is from the White Rose website. There are short videos for you to watch and then activities for you to complete that are related to these. The focus is fractions.
Suggested Activities:
Here are a few other suggestions that you might enjoy:
Have an indoor picnic.
Build a den and read a book inside it.
Write a message in hieroglyphics for your parents to decipher.
Remember to upload your work to the showcase and you can send me a message through the website if you just want to keep in touch. Take care of each other and stay safe.
Mrs Dickerson