Year 4 Home Learning - Week beginning 30.03.2020

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Good morning Year 4, I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Here are your learning activities for this coming week.


I have attached a link to a video (Tadeo Jones). I would like you to write a diary entry for either of the 2 characters. Remember to include all the grammatical features we have learnt so far this year for example fronted adverbials. Think about how they may be feeling and also what they might see, hear and smell.

I would also like you to write a letter pretending you are the explorer. Who would you write to? What would you tell them?


For maths I have included a link to the White Rose Home Learning Page. There are short videos for you to watch and these are followed up with activities that are linked to them. This weeks topic is recognising tenths and hundredths.

Remember you can upload things to the showcase and I am looking forward to seeing your work over the coming weeks.

Take care of each other and stay safe.

Miss Whitley

Year 4Lydia Whitley