Year 3 Home Learning - Week Beginning 06.01.2021

Hello to my fantastic Year 3 Class. I hope you are all safe and well. Unfortunately it is not possible to have you all in school at the minute but I am here to ensure that you are still able to access your learning despite not being in the classroom.

Remote learning expectations

  • It is expected that Primary school children will access 3 hours of remote learning every week day whilst learning at home.

  • New learning blogs will be uploaded every Friday.

  • We will be adding links and videos to support the children’s learning throughout the week so please check for updates every day.

  • There will be regular contact between school and the children through phone calls and zoom so that the children will be able to talk about their learning and we will be able to provide feedback.

  • There will be a contact button direct to the teacher to answer any questions and to send pictures of your work (which can then be placed in our Learning Gallery).

English: Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th and Friday 8th.

(I will add further English for next week)

Spelling: Our spelling focus for this week is the prefix anti. When added to a root word it changes the meaning to opposite or against e.g. social + anti = antisocial.

The following sentences have words missing which all begin with the prefix anti. I have included the list of words You will need to find the meaning (using a dictionary or an online dictionary) as this will assist in finding the missing word.

I use _________ soap when washing my hands.

My parents put _________ in their cars the protect the engine.

The explorer took an ________ when she got a snake bite.

The clock was broken as the hands were moving in an __________ direction.

The nurse used an _________ wipe to clean up the wound.

The people’s behaviour was ___________.

antisocial antibacterial antidote antiseptic antifreeze anticlockwise

This week our Year 3/4 statutory words are:

knowledge address exercise women woman

I would like you to find the definition of each of these words and then include them in a sentence.


This week in or grammar lessons we are think about expanded noun phrases. Remember, an expanded noun phrase is where you have 2 adjectives, separated by a comma, that come before the noun. I have included the link to a video to help remind you. I would now like you to pick three nouns that you can see in your room and write a sentence about them including an expanded noun phrase.

What is an expanded noun phrase?


This week our reading focus will be prediction. Remember a prediction is saying what you think is going to happen but using evidence to support your choices. Here is an image from a book, I would like you to make a prediction of what you think is going to happen in the story. Can you write about it and message me your predictions. Remember to use what you can see in the picture to support your ideas.

Huge bag of worries pic.PNG

Once you have completed your prediction, I have included a copy of the story for you to read.

Huge Bag of worries.


For your writing activity I would like you to create your own ‘Worry Monster’ and write a character profile for it. Your monster needs to be something that you may find worrying e.g. the dark. Draw a picture and label it using adjectives for description. I would like you to talk about their appearance, their personality (what they are like as a person e.g. unkind) and use because to say why and how it can be overcome e.g. if it is a scared of the dark monster you may overcome it by turning on a light. I would like to see your finished profiles uploaded onto the home learning showcase or sent to me.


Monday 11th January.


Our reading focus for this week will be summarising. Summarising is when we retell the main parts of a paragraph, chapter or paragraph, in a shortened version.

To help us we use the question words: Who, Where, What, When, Why and How. I have added a video which will talk you through the steps you need to follow.

I would now like you to read the following texts and answer the following questions.

Our Teachers are Superheroes.

1) Summarise what happens in the first paragraph in one sentence.

2) Look at the paragraph which begins with “No, they’re not!” Sum up what happened in this paragraph in 20 words or less.

3) Explain what Benji saw at lunchtime using 20 words or less.

4) Write a blurb for this chapter using 30 words or less.

Tuesday 12th January:


Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

As in the previous session, our focus for today is summarising. I will also be introducing you to our new class text ‘Romans on the Rampage’ by reading the beginning of chapter 1 to you. For your activity today I would like you to watch the video on summarising again and then read and listen to the first 4 pages of the text. I would then like you to summarise what has happened in as few words as you can. You might want to make bullet points of the key parts first and then use these for your summary.

Remember: It needs to be in order.

It does not need lots of description - short sentences to the point.

Use the question words to support you.

Romans on the Rampage.

Wednesday 13th January:


Our grammar session this week will focus on direct speech. This is when a character is talking within a story. We punctuate this using inverted commas and always have a form of punctuation inside them e.g. comma or full stop. I have included a video to show you how we do this.

I would like you to take these sentences and write them out using the correct punctuation. Remember the inverted commas only go around the part that is being spoken.

Sentences to punctuate.

Can you now use a dictionary to come up with as many different words for said as you can e.g. screamed, shouted, replied. Remember said is the past tense of say.

Thursday 14th and Friday 15th January


Over the next two days I would like to imagine you are able to talk to the raven from our story Romans on the Rampage. Can you think of a list of questions that you would like to ask him e.g. What do you like to eat?

Once you have thought about and written down 10 questions, I want you to think answering them as if you were writing them in a magazine. For example ‘I like to eat long, juicy worms for my breakfast and slimy caterpillars for my lunch,’ replied the raven.

I would like you to answer the questions remembering to punctuate them correctly. Try to use some of the different words for said that you came up with yesterday.

Remember to email me photos of your work and the other things you have been doing. Send them to


Maths: Addition and Subtraction.

I would like you to use The Oak National Academy units of learning. Each lesson contains a video explaining the topic being covered (which includes activities for you to complete alongside), a worksheet and final quiz. After each video, I will provide you with some reasoning and problem solving questions for you to answer.

Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th and Friday 9th.

Addition and Subtraction.

This week we will be thinking about addition and subtraction using the column method. We know that when using the column method it is important that we write the numbers directly underneath each other and in the correct columns. Each video will talk you through the steps that you need to follow in order to be able to answer the questions.

1) Adding and subtracting numbers without regrouping.

Addition reasoning.PNG
Addition reasoning 2.PNG
addition reasoning 3.PNG

Statistics - Graphs.

Monday 11th January - Friday 15th January (I will add problem solving and reasoning activities on later this week)

The focus of the learning is graphs, tables and tally charts. These present data that we are then able to use to answer questions. The types of graphs we will be learning about are pictograms and bar graphs.

pictograms reasoning year 3.PNG
pictograms reasoning year 3a.PNG
bar graphs reasoning year 3.PNG
tables reasoning.PNG
pict reasoning.PNG

5) Interpreting and presenting data in pictograms and bar charts.



This week we are thinking about how to view ourselves in a positive manner. I would like you to ask the people in your house to write down three positive things about you e.g. kind, caring etc. I would then like you to write down 3 positive things about yourself. Once you have completed this I would like you to create your own ‘Identity Shield'.’ This should be split into 4 sections. Each section should have a picture of something that you enjoy e.g. swimming or something/someone that is important to you e.g. your pet/family.


This term in history we will be learning about The Romans. This week I would like to create a mind map of all the things you know already about them. It is important that you keep this, as we will be adding all the new things you have learnt over the coming weeks. Once you have completed that, I would like you to use Google Kids Safesearch and find 3 facts about them. You can then message your facts across to me and in our first Zoom meeting we will discuss what things you have found out and what you might like to learn more about.

Art- This term, we are going to be looking at Roman sculptures.

Here are some photographs of Roman sculptures for you to look at.

Whilst looking, think about what they are made of? What is similar, and what is different? Do you think they are detailed? Can you see any patterns? Would they have been easy to make or difficult? Why?



In RE, it is important that we understand different beliefs and understand everyone is entitled to their own belief.

In school, we have been learning about Mosques. Before completing the lesson on Mosques.

Can you answer these questions-

What religion are Mosques associated with?

What do you know about Mosques?

Here is a link to the Oak National academy which will you take straight to the lesson.

Year 3Michelle Dickerson