Thursday 21st October - Update
Happy Half Term
After a very busy half term, I would like to wish you all a peaceful and restful half term holiday. I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 1st November.
This has been a very successful half term in school - the children have settled into their new classes beautifully - and the work they are producing is phenomenal. I am very proud of how quickly and effectively, school got back to “normal”. Despite being back in bubbles the last couple of weeks, due to a few cases, school has remained determined and focused on high standards and brilliant learning. As we have had no more in-school transmitted cases, we will be returning back to normal after the half term break. If we have another outbreak, we have the flexibility to revert back to bubbles if necessary. Congratulations to all the staff and children for a very successful half term and for showing resilience and perseverance throughout. Superb!
Attendance is school is vital, and absence leads to missed learning. In these Covid times, if a child is absent because they have tested positive, online learning will be made available. Most children are attending well with 85 children have 100% attendance and the school average being just under 95%; however there are 34 children who have an attendance of less than 85%, which will have a huge impact on learning progress.
Here are the Attendance figures for this half term (Please note that this does not include Covid absence)
Reception = 94%
Year 1 = 94%
Year 2= 93%
Year 3 = 94%
Year 4 = 91%
Year 5 = 96%
Year 6 = 97%
School Average = 94%
I think there is room for improvement.
Job Vacancy - Lunchtime Supervisor
We have a vacancy in school for a lunchtime supervisor. This is an additional role, to join the current team, due to an increase in numbers. You can find the advert, job description and application form here. If you have any questions about the vacancy or you would like more details, do not hesitate to email me on
There will be no clubs run by staff next half term, but there will be new clubs starting in January. If you need after school care, Fae’s afternoon provision is still running after school each night until 6pm. Please contact Fae direct if you want a place.
Parents Evening
You should have received a text, allowing you to book either a phone call from your child’s class teacher or a face to face meeting. Please book your appointment as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment. Remember, there are clear covid guidelines to follow for the face to face meetings. Please read the letter carefully. A copy of the letter can be found here.
Reception 2022 Application Process
Please be aware, if you haven’t done so already that the deadline for our year 6 parents to apply for secondary school places is 31 October 2021.
The application process for a reception place for September 2022 will open on 1 November 2021.
The easiest way for parents to apply is online. Further information can be found on the SCC website. The closing date is 15 January 2022.
If you are interested in putting Winshill Village Primary & Nursery School down as one of your preferences, you are more than welcome to have a tour of the school. Please contact the school office to arrange.
Stay Safe … and help keep others safe
Miss Goodson