Friday 27th May - Update
Have a great half term. We welcome the children back to school on Monday 6th June.
Have a lovely week.
Swearing on the Playground
It has been brought to my attention that some parents are swearing on the playground when dropping off or collecting their children. I would respectfully ask parents to not swear or use offensive language on school grounds. We are role models for our children and we need to set the example. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Governor Vacancy
We are looking for a new governor for September.
Can you spare a couple of hours every half term?
Are you interested in becoming a critical friend for the school leadership team?
Would you like to be actively involved in the next stage of Winshill Village’s improvement journey?
If the answer is yes to the above questions, and you are interested in becoming a school governor, please send me an email expressing your interest to: by Monday 6th June.
If you have any questions about the role, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Year 1 and 2 Trip to Kenilworth Castle
As part of the Year 1 and Year 2 History topic this term, we will be visiting Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire
The children will be taking part in a self-led tour which will include visiting different parts of the castle and grounds, as well as completing activities in a booklet. This links with our topic on Knights and Castles and the children will be encouraged to identify the different features of the castle.
The trip will take place during the school day and they will require a packed lunch.
The children will need to wear a school t-shirt with a school cardigan or jumper, dark coloured jogging bottoms or leggings (no shorts or jeans) and trainers. They will also need a waterproof jacket as we will be outside all day.
The date of the trip is: Friday 24th June
The cost of the trip is £10.
A copy of the original letter can be found here.
Attendance since September
Little Winners: 94.03%
Little Stars: 96.48%
Reception: 96.80%
Year 1: 94.74%
Year 2: 94.91%
Year 3: 96.91%
Year 4: 93.76%
Year 5: 96.31%
Year 6: 97.93%
Whole School Average: 95.91%
Well done everyone, attendance has improved considerably so far this term.
Our target is still 97%, therefore we still have room for improvement.
There are still a few families who are persistently absent or late and this impacts our overall figures.
Please remember to contact school if your child is unable to be in school.
Following JTMAT policy, all requests for holidays are unauthorised.
More details about attendance can be found on the school website.
Stars of the Week
Reception: Chloe & Cade
Year 1: Olivia & Esmae
Year 2: Jake & Maddison
Year 3: Dominic & Ayaan
Year 4: Grace & Harriet
Year 5: Ethan & Lillie
Year 6: Leah & Piran
Headteacher’s Awards: William & James
Year 5 Residential
The Year 5 Residential takes place during the first week back after half term.
You can find a copy of the kit list here. Don’t forget a water bottle!
The children should arrive at their normal time on the Thursday, we are aiming to leave at about 9:30am
We will be leaving the site at 2pm on the Friday, we will text you when the children are back at school. You will be able to collect them early if convenient.
Children who are not going on the residential, should still come to school as normal.
Year 5’s residential is Thursday 9th and Friday 10th June.
Jubilee Celebrations
Stay well, stay safe. And let’s all stay kind
Miss Goodson
Have a lovely half term break.
Photos from Years 3 and 4 visit to Tamworth Castle