Friday 26th November - Christmas Update

Christmas Dinner

Reception and Key Stage 1 will be able to have a Christmas Dinner on Tuesday 14th December, on this day Key Stage 2 will have a sandwich bag.

Key Stage 2 will be able to have a Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 15th December, on this day Reception and Key Stage 1 will have a sandwich bag.

A text will be sent out in the next couple of weeks asking if your child would like a Christmas Dinner.

Christmas Fair

The PTA will be running the Christmas Fair outside this year, in a Covid secure way. The fair will start at 2:45pm on Thursday 9th December, straight after the Y1/2/3 Christmas Production. It will continue after school, so please bring some pennies to spend when you collect the children. All proceeds will go towards buying more playtime equipment for the children. Many thanks for your support.

Come as You Please

We will be having a “Come as You Please” day on Friday 3rd December. The children can wear their own clothes for a small donation towards the Christmas Fair. Instead of money, we are asking the children to donate an item in the following colours, so that hampers can be made up for raffle prizes. The donation colours for each year group are:

Nursery: Silver or Sparkly

Year 1: Blue

Year 2: Yellow

Year 3: Orange

Year 4: Green

Year 5: Pink

Year 6: Purple

Christmas Productions (Copy of the letter sent home yesterday)

Dear Parents, 

This year we are hoping to go ahead with our Christmas Productions, albeit in a Covid secure way.  Please see below for details of each of the performances, but be aware that performances may be cancelled at the last minute if there is a rise in cases in school.   More details will be found on my blog each Friday. 

Please note that there are three different productions and that each production has three different performances – make sure you choose the right one!  Please read the Covid regulations carefully as they are slightly different for each production. 

Nursery and ReceptionNursery Rhyme Nativity 

Performances will take place at the following times:

Wednesday 8th December at 2pm

Thursday 9th December at 10am

Friday 10th December at 10am

The Nativity will take place in the school hall, but with a maximum of 45 seats.  There will be a limit of 2 spaces per family in total per production. Chairs will be socially distanced and your hands will be sanitised on arrival. Please do not bring young children or babies to the performances.  We would like you to wear masks and, if possible, complete a lateral flow test before arrival.  If you have any cold like symptoms, please do not attend.

Years 1, 2 and 3 – Gnome Alone         

Performances will take place at the following times:

Tuesday 7th December at 2pm

Wednesday 8th December at 10am

Thursday 9th December at 2pm

Gnome Alone will take place in the school hall, but with a maximum of 45 seats.  There will be a limit of 2 spaces per family in total per production. Chairs will be socially distanced and your hands will be sanitised on arrival. Please do not bring young children or babies to the performances.  We would like you to wear masks and, if possible, complete a lateral flow test before arrival.  If you have any cold like symptoms, please do not attend.

Years 4, 5 and 6 – Christmas Carol Concert

Performances will take place at the following times:

Monday 6th December at 2pm

Tuesday 7th December at 10am

Friday 10th December at 2pm

The Carol Concert will take place OUTSIDE in the amphitheatre, so please dress up warm and maybe bring an umbrella!

There will be a limit of 2 spaces per family in total per production. Chairs will be socially distanced and your hands will be sanitised on arrival. Please do not bring young children or babies to the performances.  We would like you to wear masks and, if possible, complete a lateral flow test before arrival.  If you have any cold like symptoms, please do not attend.

For safeguarding reasons, we cannot allow photographs or recordings during the performances.  You will be asked to switch your mobile phones onto silent for the performances. 

Today, you will receive a text from school about the Christmas Productions.  If you would like to attend one the performances, please reply to the text, with the following information:

The date of the performance you wish to see

The time of the performance you wish to see

 And how many seats you require for each performance you have chosen.

(Remember, it is two seats PER FAMILY, PER PRODUCTION – this is NOT the same as two seats per performance) 

Confirmation of your allocation will be sent out nearer the time. 

Please keep an eye on the school blog, which is updated every Friday, this will keep you up to date with news in school and the Christmas arrangements that are taking place.

Stay safe … and help keep others safe

There will be more Christmas information next week!

It’s a busy couple of weeks on the lead up to Christmas, please read the blog, to keep up to date.

Miss Goodson

Andrea Goodson