Information about Summer School
I am delighted to announce the details of this year’s Summer School. The Summer School is specifically for children in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 , who were unable to attend school during term time.
We will be contacting those children who are eligible via text message, for you to confirm their place. Please do not just turn up, as a place is unlikely to be available, as we will still have to adhere to the bubble system. Please note that we are not providing keyworker provision over the summer.
Summer School will take place during the first two weeks of the Summer Holiday; the weeks beginning 20th and 27th July.
It will take place every morning during these two weeks (9am to 12 noon) and the expectation will be that your child will attend every morning. If your child can not attend, then please let school know. The drop off and collection point is the school office. Your child’s temperature will be taken on arrival.
Your child should bring a snack and a drink, but they will be at home for lunch. and therefore will not need a packed lunch.
The children do not need to wear school uniform.
Summer School will be run by school staff, including new members of staff.
The focus of Summer School will be on: transition, wellbeing and Maths and English Skills.
For those children who have not attended school since March, Summer School will provide an opportunity to “get used to school” again, before starting back full time in September. By attending Summer School, it is hoped that children’s anxieties will be diminished and any worries will disappear.
Summer School will adhere to the same “Precautions and Procedures” that we used in school - these can be found in the Covid 19 section of the website.
Look out for the confirmation text by the end of the week.
If you have any further questions about Summer School, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school website or by email:
Kind regards,
Miss Goodson