Looking forward...
Today’s blog is all about looking forward… there is some information for those children starting back to school on Monday and also information regarding staffing for September.
Monday 22nd June
On Monday we will be welcoming back some more children to school. You should have received a text to confirm your child’s place, please do not just turn up, as we will not be able to accommodate them.
If your child is coming back please read the “Processes and Procedures” information found on the Covid 19 section of the website.
Your child will need to bring with them a water bottle, a snack and their lunch (school sandwich bags can be ordered).
All children will enter via the Year 2 door, but we will have staggered start and finish times (see below). Please keep to these timings, as this helps with social distancing and keeping everyone safe.
8:30 - 8:40am: Years 5 and 6 (plus younger siblings)
8:40 - 8:50am: Years 2, 3 and 4 (plus younger siblings)
8:50 - 9:00am: Year 1, Reception and Nursery
Finish Times:
2:55 - 3:05pm: Year 1, Reception and Nursery (plus older siblings)
3:05 - 3:15pm: Years 2, 3, 4 (plus older siblings)
3:15 - 3:25pm: Years 5 and 6
Please collect your child at their normal exit door and please adhere to the 2m social distancing rules, there are lines on the playground to help you with this.
We didn’t have room for all the children to come back in to school who wanted to, so we have invited these children to summer school at the end of July. More information about this will be sent out nearer the time.
I look forward to seeing you all again.
September Staffing
I am now in a position where I can reveal class teachers for September 2020. There are a number of changes.
Goodbyes: We will be saying goodbye to Mrs Moxon at the end of the school year. Mrs Moxon is expecting her second baby in September and she has decided to take a career break. We wish her well.
As you know, Mrs Pearsall is also pregnant, and with her baby due in August, she will be taking the next school year off as her maternity leave. She is hoping to be back in school next June. Best wishes to her too.
Due to the Covid 19 regulations, Mrs Moxon and Mrs Pearsall won’t be back in school this side of summer, so if you have any messages for them, I am quite happy to pass them on.
Mr Hickey will also be leaving Winshill Village Primary and Nursery School at the end of this school year. He is emigrating to Dubai. We all wish him lots of luck and look forward to hearing about his new adventures.
From September Miss Gallagher will be joining the team as Winshill’s new Assistant Headteacher. She will be teaching Year 5, and some of the children will be able to meet her during Summer School. She has written a letter introducing herself, which can be accessed here.
Mr Worth will be joining Winshill Village as the new Year 4 teacher from next week. He will be working with the current Year 3 to help with transition. The children will recognise him because in the Autumn Term, he did some work in Year 1.
Class Teachers for September
Little Stars: Mrs Williams
Reception: Mrs Hulland
Year 1: Miss Whitley
Year 2: Miss Hughes
Year 3: Mrs Dickerson
Year 4: Mr Worth
Year 5: Miss Gallagher
Year 6: Miss Twigger
Mrs Claxton will be supporting across the school in her Deputy Headteacher role.
The children will have the opportunity to meet their new teachers in the next couple of weeks or during Summer School. If your child is not currently in school at the moment, they will receive a phone call from their new teacher before the end of term.
It’s lovely to be thinking about September, considering how crazy the end of this year has been. Fingers crossed that all the children will be back. I am working on the theory, at the moment, that it will be relatively normal and school will open to all pupils on Thursday 3rd September. Of course, if anything changes, I will keep you up to date.
In the meantime, look after each other and stay safe.
Miss Goodson