Season’s Greetings

Plans for next week

We have got lots of treats and activities planned for the children in the final week of term; all bubble friendly and Covid safe! (There will be no PE during the last week of term!)

Monday: Christmas Bubble Disco for Nursery, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 4 (Normal uniform)

Tuesday: Christmas Bubble Disco for Year 2, Reception, Year 5 and Year 6 (Normal Uniform)

Tuesday: Christmas Dinner for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (Sandwich bags for KS2)

Wednesday: Christmas Dinner for KS2 (Sandwich bags for Rec & KS1)

Wednesday: Class Parties (Children can wear party clothes to school)

Thursday: Housepoint Winner and Good to be green activities (normal uniform)

Friday: Star of the Term Assemblies

Friday: Christmas Jumper Day (to be worn with the rest of their uniform)

Free School Meal Vouchers

Children, who are eligible for free school meals, should have received their Christmas Food Vouchers. This was sent via text or email. Please contact the school office, if there has been a problem with your link.


Attendance this term has been excellent, all things considering. The national average for primary schools this term is 90%. Since September, Winshill Village’s attendance is 96%. Please see below for each class’ attendance (Covid Self-Isolation periods do not count in the figures).

Reception: 97.3%

Year 1: 96.23%

Year 2: 96.19%

Year 3: 95.29%

Year 4: 94.98%

Year 5: 97.45%

Year 6: 95.81%

Well done to Year 5, for the highest attendance in the school!

Stars of the Week

Reception: Esmae & Roman

Key Stage 1: Charlotte, Milana, George & Keita

Key Stage 2: Cain, Leah, Calleigh, Amiyah, Taye, Eden, Kevins & Maci

Headteacher’s Awards: Erin, Chloe, Ophelia & Imogen

Diary Dates

The end of term is Friday 18th December. School will finish at 1pm. Gates will be open from 12:50

School reopens to pupils for the Spring Term on Tuesday 5th January 2021

Congratulations to Year 2.

As you are probably aware, the government introduced a phonics check for Year 2 this term. This is a national assessment. I am delighted to tell you that 90% of our Year 2 children passed the phonics screening test. Fantastic, we are very proud of you!

Staff Update

Miss Whitley’s heart operation has been postponed several times, due to the pandemic. She is well within herself, however her sick note has been extended. For the foreseeable future, Mrs Claxton and Mrs Cox will continue to cover the Year 1 class.

Christmas Cards

Children are more than welcome to bring in Christmas Cards to give to their friends. However, as part of the Covid regulations, we are quaratining cards for 48 hours before they are being sent home. Therefore, the last day the children can bring in cards is Wednesday.

Look out for our Christmas Podcast next week!

Andrea Goodson