Phone Consultations... and then relax

Dear Parents,

Thank you for signing up for your Parent Phone Consultatons, which start on Monday. In an ideal world, we would have you all in school, looking at the amazing work the children have been doing, and showing you the new displays that are up in school, reflecting all the wonderful things that are going on. However, Covid has put a stop to you coming in, unfortunately. The phone call consultations will give you an update on how your child is doing in school, and will give you the opportunity for you to have a proper chat with your child’s class teacher, and answer any of your questions. The consultations are 10 minutes long, so if longer is needed, please discuss with the teacher another time to have a more detailed conversation.

In terms of the school work, we are exploring the possibilities of having a photo gallery on the school website. My thoughts are that we could share photos of the displays and the work completed in school, so that you could see how hard your child is working. This will have to be protected for safeguarding reasons, but I am hopeful of the possibilities. I will give you more information when we have it.

Next week, is a short week for the children, as they break up for half term on Wednesday 21st October. The Thursday and Friday are INSET days, so the children will not be in school. School reopens for the children on Monday 2nd November. On Wednesday we finish at normal time (3:10pm for Reception and KS1; 3:15 for siblings and Nursery and 3:20 for KS2).

Also on Wednesday, we will be collecting for our Harvest celebrations. If you have any spare packets, jars or tins then please bring them to the office area in the morning. We will put some boxes outside the office door (weather permitting) to collect the produce. Nothing fresh please. We will then be donating the food to the local food bank via St. Mark’s Church. Many thanks in anticipation of your generosity.

A gentle reminder, that if you have had a change in your financial circumstances, you can apply for Free School Meals. Please follow the link to apply: . To clarify; children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 already get free school meals, these are called Universal Free School Meals. However, if you apply on the link anyway, and you are eligible, this could result in extra funding for the school. Also, have a go at applying even if your child usually has sandwiches. Thank you.

Stars of the Week

KS1: Hayden, Wyllow, Lexie and Violet

KS2: Fran, Lily, Kevins and Maci

Headteacher’s Awards: Kaisie & Lyra

Congratulations to Year 5 on a fantastic class assembly - I have learnt a lot about Victorian Inventions!

Stay safe

Miss Goodson

Andrea Goodson