Year 6 Maths Home Learning - 18/01/21 - 22/01/21

Hello to my fantastic Year 6 class. It was lovely speaking to some of you on Zoom last week. It was great to hear all about what you did over the Christmas holidays and how fantastic you are getting on with your remote learning. I would just like to say how proud I am of each and every one of you. I can see that both the children taking part in remote learning at home and face to face learning in school are all working incredibly hard, it is fantastic to see.

It has been lovely seeing some of the work you have been producing at home. Calleigh, I thought your video was incredible! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Lola thank you for sharing your fantastic work with me, I really enjoyed looking at all the brilliant work you have been doing. Keep it up, really proud of you. Lilly, I thought your Maths and English work was brilliant and it was lovely to see that you had completed some of the activities for Happy Healthy Children week. You can head over to our Year 6 Learning Gallery to see some photos of all the brilliant work taking place. If you would like photos of your work on our learning gallery, ask you adults to email them to me. My email address can be found on the Year 6 class page.

Below are your Maths remote learning activities for this week and a reminder of our remote learning expectations. Any videos will be posted on the blog, but remember they can also be found on our school YouTube channel.

Remote learning expectations

  • It is expected that Primary school children will access 3 hours of remote learning every week day whilst learning at home.

  • New learning blogs will be uploaded every Friday.

  • Children should be submitting photos of their work to their teacher at least once a week and feedback will be given.

  • There will be regular contact between school and the children through phone calls and zoom so that the children will be able to talk about their learning and we will be able to provide feedback.

  • There will be a contact button direct to the teacher to answer any questions and to send pictures of your work (which can then be placed in our Learning Gallery).

Monday 18th January

Big? Can I identify, describe and classify 3D shapes based on the properties?

Today’s lesson is all about 3D shapes, please click here (Oak National Academy) to start the lesson.

Can you complete this extra challenge? Remember to check your answers.

Here is a Maths Game you can play to practise what you have just learned.

Tuesday 19th January

Big? Can I recognise, describe and build simple 3-D shapes, including making nets?

Today we are going to focus on nets of 3D shapes. Please click here (Oak National Academy) to start the lesson.

Please complete this activity to save you using a printer.

Can you complete this extra challenge?                   

Remember to check your answers.

Practical Activity: Take apart boxes and packaging that you have got around the house. Explore the nets created by the surfaces on the shape.

Wednesday 20th January

Big? Can I illustrate and name parts of a circle including radius, diameter and circumference?

During today’s lesson we are going to be looking at different parts of a circle. Please click here (Oak National Academy) to start the lesson.

Please complete this activity. Remember to check your answers.

Challenge yourself!

Big? Can I use the column method to add 5 and 4 digit numbers?

Big? Can I use the column method to add decimals?

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Today we are going to be looking at using the column method to add 5 and 4 digit numbers together. We are also going to look at adding decimals. Please watch and listen to the video below before completing the activities.

Here is the link to your activities for today and the answer sheet.

Thursday 21st January

Big? Can I understand angles? 

Today’s lesson is focusing on different types of angles. Please work through Lesson 1, 2, 3 and 4 completing the different activities. Click here (Oak National Academy) to start the lesson.

Practical Activity: Go on an angle hunt around your house! How many items can you find that have an acute angle? How many right angles can you find? How many obtuse angles can you find? Use your right angle measurer from last week to help you do this!

Friday 22nd January

Big? Can I use the inverse?

Please follow the PowerPoint to learn about the inverse.

Complete the activity. Check your answers once you have finished.

Can you complete this extra reasoning challenge?

Times Table Activity

Please watch the video to help you understand multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Here is the PowerPoint used in the video to support your learning.

This video is to support the children with their time stable activity on the blog 'Year 6 Maths Home Learning - 18/01/21 - 22/01/21'.

There are two activities for you to complete:

Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 - check your answers once you have finished.

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - check your answers once you have finished.

We are also going to have a battle of the bands competition between Year 5 and Year 6 this week. The competition will take place from Monday 18th January till Friday 22nd January. You will be able to play as part of the competition between 8am and 5pm each day. The competition will finish at midday on Friday 22nd January and the winners will be announced on both Year 5 and 6’s Maths Home Learning Blogs 25/01/21 - 29/01/21. The competition will take place on TT rockstars.

Year 6Lydia Gallagher