Year 5 Topic Home Learning - 25/01/21 - 29/01/21
Hi Year 5!
I just want to say thank you to all of you for working incredibly hard this week. I am blown away with some of the art work you have been doing. I definitely have some budding artists in my class and your setting descriptions about Pandora Planet were that full of adjectives and WOW vocabulary that I actually could imagine being on Pandora.
I know some of us have found 3D shapes tricky this week but none of you have given up, you have all tried your very best and we will another look at 3D shapes later in the year.
I have had lots more work sent through to me this week so thank you for doing that. Remember to go and have a look at our Year 5 Learning Gallery to see what all of your friends have been doing.
Below is your Topic Activities for this week. If you have any questions, please ask your adult to send me an email so I can help you with any problems. I look forward to seeing you on our Zoom Call on Friday 29th January at 10am. Please make sure you have a piece of paper and a pen ready!
Keep working hard!
Monday 25th January
Big? Can I create a fact file on the composer Hans Zimmer?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities.
Tuesday 26th January
Big? Can I represent my understanding of a classical piece of music using Art?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities.
Earth by Hans Zimmer - the video that you need to listen to is the second one on the webpage. It has the sub-heading ‘Earth’ next to the video.
Big? Can I explain the importance and significance of equal rights?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities.
United Nations Rights of the Child
Wednesday 27th January
Big? Can I name musical notations?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities.
Below are some videos explaining each of the musical notations we will be looking at in today’s lesson. There is also a video to explain how to make a cereal box guitar.
This videos explains what a Semibreve and a Crotchet are.
This video explains what a Quaver is.
This video explains what a Semiquaver is.
Religious Education (RE)
Big? Can I understand the importance of fasting for Muslims?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities. Please also watch this BBC Bitesize Video Clip to support your learning.
Thursday 28th January
Big? Can I select and combine a range of musical sounds to replicate a piece of classical music?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities.
Earth by Hans Zimmer - the video that you need to listen to is the second one on the webpage. It has the sub-heading ‘Earth’ next to the video.
Physical Education (PE)
Big? Can I perform actions with consistency and control?
Our topic for this half term has been fitness. So far you have looked at completing some circuit work. This week for your learning linking with PE, I would like you to complete one of the Joe Wick’s workouts. Make a note of any exercises you enjoy as next week I would like you to create and complete your own circuit. Below are 3 different workouts Joe Wick’s has put together. I would like you to choose one of them that you would like you to complete.
Remember exercise does not only help to keep our bodies healthy but also our minds. It is important at the moment that we are exercising regularly, this doesn’t mean you need to complete a Joe Wick’s workout every day, you might go for a walk, a bike ride, play a game in the garden, do some Yoga or go for a run. There are lots of different exercises we can do at home.
Friday 29th January
Big? Can I produce a fact file on my favourite musician or musicians?
Here is the PowerPoint for today’s learning activities.