Year 5 Topic Home Learning - 08/03/21 - 12/03/21
Hi Year 5,
I know this wasn’t the week we all expected, but fingers crossed we will all be back to ‘normal’ next Monday. We have just got one more week of remote learning so please keep trying your best this week and I look forward to seeing you all on Zoom on Tuesday 9th March at 11:00 am. I know some of you might have a few worries about coming back to school but I promise you, we are all going to help each other and be there for one another.
Keep working hard, keep smiling and I will ‘see’ you all on Tuesday.
This week is Science Week so all of our activities are linked to different science investigations. Please below your activities below. If you have any questions about any of this week’s learning activities or want to send any photos of the learning you are completing at home, my email address can be found on the Year 5 Class Page.
Monday 8th March 2021
This week is Science week. We are going to be completing a range of activities such as retrieving information from a non-fiction text, using innovation to create a unique invention, looking at vaccines and our immune systems, investigating if there is a link between food’s taste and appearance and producing a poster to share our learning and ideas.
During today’s lesson, we will be retrieving information from a non-fiction text linked with Science week and designing and producing our own invention.
Big? Can I retrieve information from a non-fiction text?
Big? Can I use innovation to create a unique invention?
Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities.
British Science Week Text and Questions
Tuesday 9th March 2021
During today’s lesson we are going to be thinking about how vaccines can help train our immune systems and planning our own investigation to see if there is a relationship between the taste and appearance of different foods.
Big? Can I understand the vaccines train your immune system?
Big? Can I investigate whether the way foods look affect how it tastes?
Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities.
Wednesday 10th March 2021
During today’s lesson, you will be producing a poster to show what you have learnt during Science week.
Big? Can I share my learning on innovating the future?
Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities.
Thursday 11th March 2021
During today’s lesson, we will be looking at the difference between physical and mental health.
Big? Can I explain the difference between physical and mental health?
Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities.
Religious Education
During today’s lesson we are going to be thinking about how Jesus inspired others and have a think about people who inspire us.
Big? Can I discuss how Jesus was inspiring because of his actions?
Here is the PowerPoint explaining today’s learning activities.
Friday 12th March 2021
Physical Education (PE)
During today’s lesson, we will be looking at performing a dance sequence to music from ‘The Greatest Showman’.
Big? Can I explain the meaning of the term ‘levels’ within dance?
Before we begin the main input for today’s PE lesson, we need to warm up! Today I woud like you to create your own warm up. Your warm up must include 4 pulse raising exercises and 4 stretches. There are some examples of both pulse raising exercises and stretches below.
Pulse raising exercises - jogging on the spot, high knees, star jumps, squat jumps
Stretches - pushing hips forward, arm circles forwards and backwards, trying to touch the floor keeping your legs straight
For the main part of today’s lesson, we are going to be learning a dance sequence to music from ‘The Greatest Showman’. We are going to be watching a dance video by Oti Mabuse (a dancer from Strictly Come Dancing). While you are learning this sequence, I want you to think about the different levels involved. When we talk about levels in dance, we are thinking about changes in height. For example moving from standing on your feet upright to crouching on the ground is a change in level.