Year 3 Topic Home Learning - 25.01.2021 - 29.02.2021

To all of my fabulous year 3 children. It has been great to speak to many of you as well as seeing some of the work you have produced. Here is this weeks topic lessons. Make sure you keep engaging with the lessons on here to make sure you are not missing out on any important learning. Keep up the great work!

Monday 25th January

Last week we looked at light reflecting of retroreflective surfaces. Today we are going to be looking at how reflects of mirrors. Here is a PowerPoint explaining how light reflects of mirrors.

Light reflection explained by Mr Worth

Here is a video as well to support you. Do not worry about the angles or the rules because that is not the focus of this lesson. This video just helps understand how the light can reflect off mirrors.

Challenge. I would like you to draw the image on slide 6 of the PowerPoint using a ruler. Focus on how the light reflects off the mirror.

If you have drew the image on slide 6. Can you draw how the light would reflect if the light source started in different positions.

For example you may draw an image representing if the light source was central with the mirror it would reflect straight back at the same angle.

Story Time - The Midnight Gang, chapter 2.

Tuesday 26th January.


For this you will need to access the internet and either a word document, or an online note page. I understand this may not be the same on all devices. This video and lesson is focused on using a laptop or a computer. If this is not possible, do not worry as I am aware that this may be difficult for some to complete.

Now you have been shown how to copy an image and paste it into a word document.

Task: I would like you to pick your favourite animal and copy and paste the images on to a document. I look forward to seeing some of images that you have chosen.

Story Time.

Wednesday 27th January.


Can you complete the following challenges? (with adult permission)

1. Can you balance on one leg? Try balancing on either leg. Think about which leg is easier to balance on for you. Then see if you can balance for 10 seconds.

2. If safe to do so, go on a short walk with an adult.

3. Can you play catch by yourself. However every time you throw the ball in the air, see how many claps you can complete before catching the ball

Story Time.

Thursday 28th January


We are currently looking at the importance of a Mosque to the Muslim community.

A community is a group of people of any size who share or have things in common with each other. They are usually located within an area.

If you live in Winshill, people in your community mostly will be living in Winshill or around the area.

For Muslims, the centre of their community is the Mosque as they meet people there as well believe it is important for them to visit and prey there.

Your task: Think about what is the centre of your community. This could be your house, a place you like to go to often (park, football pitch), a place to eat.

When you have thought of where you like to go and meet people. I would like you to draw the place which you have decided as the centre of your community.

Make sure you tell me what your drawing is of as well.

Use this sentence starter. The centre of my community is …………………… because ……………

Story Time

Friday 29th January


Last week you made salt dough models.

This week you are going to design your Roman sculpture. Here are some sculptures which you looked at the other week.

I would like you to look at the pictures and design your own Roman sculpture.

Once you have designed your sculpture think about how you make the sculpture out of salt dough, and label the techniques of how you create the sculpture or the shapes of each part of the sculpture.

Story Time

Year 3Edward Worth