Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Reception class!
Our topic this month is ‘All about me’. All children have been given a brown bag to put things in which will help them to talk to the rest of the class about what they like to do and who is in their family. They are all very keen to share their bags with the other children!
We have also started to teach phase 2 phonics to the children and this will help them as they start on their reading and writing journeys. We will shortly be sending reading and library books home with the children and we believe it is really important that the children read with you on a regular basis to practice the skills they are learning in school. Counting and shape work forms the basis for our maths work this half term. We are teaching the children to form letters correctly and to write their names.
All Reception children are entitled to free milk, a piece of fruit for snack and also a free school lunch. Please could you send in a named water bottle in case your child wants a drink throughout the day.
Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Could we ask that children come in their PE kits on these days as we will not be changing for PE. Where possible we would like children to have pumps or trainers, jogging bottoms or leggings, white or red PE top and school jumper, cardigan or fleece.
Please make sure everything is labelled so that we can return the children’s belongings to them.
We are aware that the end of the day is a very busy time and we appreciate your patience as we dismiss the children into your care. If you do need to speak to us we are more than happy to do so, but just ask that you wait until all the children have been dismissed so that we can give you our full attention.