Year 6 Home Learning - Week beginning 06.07.2020

WOW. having so many children back across the school has been very exciting! It has been amazing to see so many year 6 children and to have the opportunity to focus on transitions with them. We have been working really hard in both English and Maths to keep our skills sharp and secondary-ready.

I hope that you at home are beginning to receive more information from your respective secondary schools about your transition. I know from pupils who are in school that Abbot Beyne, Paulet and John Taylor high and Free schools have let children know their house ready for next year and set some transitional work for them to complete.

on Monday (29th June), We were lucky enough to have a visit from the Mrs Airey and Mr Roome (who will be your head of year 7 next year) from Abbot Beyne. They were very helpful and answered many questions on subjects ranging from behaviour and uniform expectations to the schools policy on mobile phones, Don’t worry if you missed it, all of the information can be found on the Abbot Beyne website. By following this link you will find a letter to you as new year 7 pupils, with further links to more useful information and an email address which you can use to direct any questions you may want answering.

Files sent for transition to Abbot Beyne

  1. Microbes lesson 1

  2. Microbes lesson 2

  3. Microbes lesson 3

  4. Microbes lesson 4

  5. Dinosaur transition project

  6. Science transition

  7. Maths transition doc.


English lessons this week have been divided into two parts, the first part has been spent focusing on year 6-7 transition, with the second part focusing on re-enforcing the key writing composition and grammar skills you will need in year 7.

During morning English sessions we have been focusing on the language of the key values and ethos’ of the various secondary schools you are going to. for each of the words chosen from the schools ethos’ we have been finding dictionary definitions and then using paired and class discussions to explore what we understand about each of the words.and how we would describe them. From this point, we have identified examples of what this word might look like in practice now and when we arrive at our secondary school. Finally, we have collated other words which we would associate with the value. try completing a values sheet for each using the below template.

  1. Values template

  • Box 1 = dictionary definition

  • Box 2 = How would you explain the value

  • Box 3 = Examples of the value in action

  • Box 4 = Words that you would relate to the value

I have included some examples for you. Notice, the patterns and colouring of the figure are unique to the value and how the pupil visuallises this word in colour and pattern. Once these values have been compiled, you will have a pack which will support you to settle in next year and remind you of the values that you must adopt and embed to be successful.

Maybe you could complete some research to find out which values are related to which school. I have taken Values from: John Taylor High School, John Taylor Free School, Paulet, Blessed Robert Sutton, Abbot Beyne and Granville Academy.

The words we have focused on as values include:

  • Respect

  • Integrity

  • Inclusive

  • Kind

  • Pride

  • Responsible

  • Faith

  • Belief

Following on from this, we have been looking into different aspects of the year 6 writing checklist in more detail. we began by using a one-shot transition activity as a writing prompt and spent time pulling apart the WAGOLL to make sure that we knew where each part of the success criteria was being demonstrated.

Following on from this, we set about writing even more impressive pieces of writing by using personification to set the mood of a piece when using the image on the transition PowerPoint. we looked at the image from different points of view, describing the setting to make it sinister and then looking again, visualising the forest as being a magical and positive place. By doing this, we were able to think more deeply about the reader and audience of the piece, thinking about what language and description should be used to elicit different impressions.

  1. Transitions PowerPoint

Linking with our class text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ we are going on to looking at persuasive writing. following on from designing our very own confectionery machine, we are going to need to persuade Willy Wonka that they are worthy of his Chocolate Factory. To do this, we will be looking at writing formal letters to persuade, focusing on persuasive use of writing and thinking carefully about the audience for out writing, Willy Wonka.

Follow the advise in the following helpful links when writing your persuasive piece (remember to post them on the website when they are finished!) and think carefully about how to word a letter to either the Gene Wilder of Johnny Depp characters. You could watch the two films to decide how a letter to one version of Willy Wonka would be different to a letter to the other. Why not blind him with science using all that technical vocabulary you have used in your explanation text from the last blogs work?

  1. PowerPoint - Persuasion

  2. Word Bank - persuasion


During morning lessons in Maths this week, we have been focusing on Statistics and statistical analysis. In our afternoon Maths sessions, we recapped on the use of Ratio to solve worded problems. I must admit that as a class, we decided that we would move Ratio work into the morning sessions and come back to statistics as we found that we needed a bit more ‘teaching’ than revision time. i will post the Statistics work and the Ratio block from WRM for you to work through. Enjoy.


  1. Lesson 1, answers

  2. Lesson 2, answers

  3. Lesson 3, answers

  4. Lesson 4, answers

  5. Lesson 5, answers

  6. Lesson 6, answers

  7. Lesson 7, answers

  8. Lesson 8, answers

  1. Ratio - revision block WRM

  2. Ratio - Various supporting work from Target your Maths and Abacus.


We have spent a lot of time focusing on preparations for the end of term. I would VERY MUCH like to include you in a video that I am compiling for the class as a keep-sake. If you could video yourself waving from a window or doing something around the house like reading or cooking or playing a computer game and send those videos in I would be really grateful. I would like the pupils who are not in school to have the opportunity to be part of the video.

We have been accessing lessons from the Cosmic kids ‘Zen Den’ this week at the start of the day. there are some fantastic videos there that have helped us to understand a bit more about how our minds work. some that are well worth a watch for you include ‘Yes You Can!’ and ‘The Guard Dog and the Owl.’ Though the delivery sometimes feels like these videos are aimed at younger children, what is being said is important. i know that the pupils in school are learning a lot about themselves by engaging with this work. Have a go.