Year 6 - Summer Activities

We have come to the end of a very unusual year. It has been a successful one in so many ways. You were entirely prepared for your SATs (even though they did not happen!), working incredibly hard to make sure that you would have been able to take them in your stride.

In coming back into school, you have worked well within the ‘new norm’ to make sure that you, and every other member of the school community has stayed safe, and for that you should be proud.

Those children who have been able to come back into school have worked incredibly hard to ensure that the end of the school year still includes all of the rewarding experiences that act as a right of passage, including the successful delivery of not one but three leavers assemblies!

It is a great shame that parents could not be present at these assemblies but be assured, your children did you proud! Parents and classmates alike who could not be present, you have not missed out. The content of the assembly is available in the year 6 dedicated podcast in the form of the children’s memories and their dream jobs. As part of the leavers assembly, the children re-wrote the words to a song they had been learning as part of their music lessons. I have included a recording of this song and the words they created below so that you have available to you everything from the assembly.

Be assured, there are hoodies for every child in year 6, you have earned them. I have them in my possession and will be delivering them to all of you who do not yet have them over the coming days. You have earned them.

One final certificate was presented to the children during the assembly containing signatures and well-wishes from children in the other bubbles in school. if you would like a copy, please feel free to download one and print it off.

Summer activities

Year 6. having worked so hard, the summer holidays should be a time to re-charge your batteries! spend time outside (with consideration of whatever restrictions are in place), with you family, preparing yourself for your new adventure.

Within the blogs on this website there are myriad (many) suggestions of things to do, please look through them for some amazing options. They have made all the relevant suggestions from hiking and outdoor swimming in the local area (nursery), camping and cycling (year 4) to family fun indoor activities in Reception. Please do look through all of the blogs for advise and great suggestions on what to do over the holidays.

To add to this, remember to take part in your library’s ‘Summer Reading Challenge.’

If there is a time when you need any activities to complete, please see the following English and Maths fillers to keep you busy:




Year 6. Whatever you do over the Summer Holidays, enjoy your time with your friends and your family. Be safe and look after yourself and each other. When you are out and about, be careful on the roads and remember your highway code and be very considerate of your online presence.

Parents, please take a look at the blog ‘Staying safe online in the summer holidays’ for information and advise about how to stay safe online.


You’ll get mixed up, of course,

as you already know. You’ll get mixed up

with many strange birds as you go.

So be sure when you step.

Step with care and great tact

and remember that life’s

a Great Balancing Act.

Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.

And never mix up your right foot with your left.

from, Oh the Places You’ll Go, by Dr. Seuss

Year 6Sam Hickey