Year One Home Learning- Week beginning 8-6-20 and 15-6-20

Hello Year One!

We what a wonderful week we have had! Some children have come back into school and we have been very busy. Year One are coming into school and sitting at their very own table. They have lots of space and are enjoying having their own resources. We start the day, as usual, with phonics. We are then completing some lovely activities in English. Because we aren’t sitting on the carpet, we break up the lessons with dances and relaxation. After break, we have Maths. The children have amazed all of the teachers this week with splitting numbers from 1 to 100 into tens and ones.

We have our own space for our bubble at lunch time and are enjoying using the hoops, and the bats and balls. Some afternoons we have been outside looking at nature and enjoying activities on the field. We have also made some rainbow window art and worry dolls out of sticks and thread.

I am incredibly proud of how the children have coped with the changes. They have adapted well and have loved seeing their friends and learning new things.

This week, we are concentrating on our well-being. It is very important that we look after ourselves and keep safe. This means looking after our bodies and our minds. The following activities will help you to think about this.

  • Take Notice- Go for a walk around your local area. Stop at different points and think about what you can see, touch, smell, hear and taste. Look up. What can you see in the sky? Clouds? What shape are they?

  • Connect- Connect with someone who you haven’t seen for a while. You could write them a card, send them a photo or give them a call on the phone. Let them know that you are thinking about them.

  • Be Active- Start your day with a Wake and Shake. Dance along to these songs. Can you get someone to do it with you?

  • Give- Draw a picture. Make sure that it is the best picture you can draw. It could be a picture of yourself, a flower or your favourite animal. When you have finished, choose someone to give it to.

  • Keep Learning- This week we are learning something new! Find out why some people use sign language to communicate here. Use the video to help you to learn some sign language. Can you sign the letter in your name? Or learn to sign the song “Take you Home”.


This week we will be looking at different poems. I have attached some poems for you to read and enjoy.

You could also find some of your own.

In these poems, can you complete the following activities?

  • Which poems rhyme? Fine the rhyming words and write them in a list. Can you think of any other words that rhyme with these words?

  • Illustrate your favourite poem. Think about what the poem is about and draw a picture to go with the poem.

  • Learn a verse of a poem. Can you remember the poem and recite it to someone in your family.

  • Ronald Rhymes Activity Sheets


Keep reading! Read any words that are around you. Can you read words on your daily walk? Below are some activities that you can read and answer the questions.


In Maths this week we are going to start telling the time. We will practise the days of the week and the months of the year.

As always, keep practising counting and reading and writing numbers to 100. Start from any number and practise counting forwards and backwards from the number.

I hope that you are all staying safe. Take care and see you soon!

Mrs Williams and Miss Evans