Year 6 Home Learning - Week beginning 08.06.2020

It has been fantastic to see some of year 6 back in the classroom this week. After a very quiet start on Monday morning (they were all really shy) we are all back in the swing of things and the learning that has been happening is brilliant. I am proud of all of you in year six, but I have to say that over this week the children that have been in have humbled me by being outstanding role-models within the school and for adopting the ‘new norm’. Thank you to all of them, and thank you, all of you who are still at home, for keeping you and your loved ones safe and for continuing to do what work you can to keep learning! . I have not had to remind people repeatedly about keeping a safe distance, and as i hope you can see from the photographs below, it is all very ‘business as normal’ here.



This week we have been using ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ as the basis of our English learning. Over the course of the week we have completed different reading and writing tasks. Some of the reading activities we have been completing include the following:

  • Think about the Characters you know from the book or film, what can you recall about them?

  • Using evidence from the text (if you have it) or the film, which of the following chocolate bars would match with which of the characters and why?

    • Everlasting Gobstopper - a type of chewing gum that never ends and has lots of different flavours

    • Dairy milk chocolate bar - plain and simple, yet delicious

    • Popping candy - explosive flavour

    • Chocolate truffle - velvety, delicate and expensive

    • Extra large toblerone - crunchy, delicious and enough to share (if you decide to)

  • use the information contained within the below scan to draw and annotate a character from the book (try not to use the film image to sway your opinion.

  • Augustus Gloop

  • Use the scanned pages to annotate an image of Willy Wonka, try to list features of his personality and write a quote from the text to support each characteristic..

  • Willy Wonka

  • Choose one set of comprehension questions linked to chapters 1 and 2 and use the text to help find your answers.

  • Comprehension questions

  • Chapter 1 and 2

In writing, we have been completing character descriptions for our own golden ticket winners. some of the slides that we used are attached below. One key element of the character descriptions include figurative features including simile and metaphor.

Further to this, we have been designing estate agent advertisements (see the examples below) which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. we spent time listing adjectives and descriptive language for the Bucket’s house and then spent time turning all of those, overwhelmingly negative adjectives, into positives. Some of the positive statements included:

  • idyllic location

  • good transport links

  • little to no traffic noise

  • convenient access to local amenities

  • quaint cottage

  • well-ventilated

  • ideal fixer-upper

  • Useful slides


This week we have been covering some aspects of angle again to re-enforce this learning. I will include the linking White rose maths resources.

In addition to this, we have completed reasoning questions as starters (along with TT rockstar sessions) based on our understanding of decimals.

During afternoon arithmetic sessions we have been focusing on finding fractions and percentages of amounts.


We have spent a lot of time thinking about our transition to secondary school this week during afternoon sessions. in addition to this we have spent time thinking about the different ways there are to connect with people in this ‘new normal.’ How many different ways can you think of to connect with others? Take a look at the different ways we have thought of in class.

We took the opportunity to create something (be it a letter, diary, piece of artwork, poem or something else) to connect with others and communicate what our hopes and dreams for secondary school are. This may be a project you would like to share on the school website.

As part of our work on transition to secondary school, we have compiled a list of questions we would like answered and completed research to see if we can find the answers. Any of the questions we cannot answer will be sent through to the secondary schools for them to send through additional information. Do you have any questions you have not found the answers to? if so, please send them through to me and I will include them in my email to the secondary schools.

Keep safe, keep well and keep on going year six!

Year 6Sam Hickey