Year 6 Home Learning - Week beginning 22.06.2020
What a fantastic couple of weeks. Systems and processes at school have worked really well in keeping everyone safe. I couldn’t be more proud of the year 6 children in school, those who we re-connected with via Zoom and everyone who I have contacted who are still working from home.
Thank you to all of you year 6 and your parents for making our first Zoom session such a success. It was amazing to see all of those who were able to sign in and catch up.
The class enjoying a Zoom session
I know that the children in class were buzzing about the meeting for the rest of the day. I know that we will be seeing many of the children who took part in the call from next week in school but let me assure everyone who is still working at home that we will be arranging more Zoom sessions in the future. Don’t worry if you missed out for whatever reason, we will try to get more involved next time.
We have continued to use Charlie and the Chocolate factory as inspiration for our reading/writing over the last fortnight. The year 6’s have produced some brilliant pieces of descriptive writing about the chocolate room as well as designing their own room within the factory. Some amazing room design ideas include an edible-eatable-zoo room and a dragon inspired firecracker gobstopper room (with real dragons!). What would you put in a room within the factory? I have included a link to the chocolate room video we used as a first attempt at description but what sweet or chocolate would you invent, and what wacky ingredients would it have?
Over the next few weeks we are going to focus on the process of creating these amazing sweets. Thinking along the lines of some of the amazing creations of Wallace and Gromit we will be creating machines to construct and package our created confectionery. I have included both a video of the bubblegum machine from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film as well as a Wallace and Gromit creation to help inspire your designs. I have linked the Wallace and Gromit Cracking Contraptions playlist on YouTube. Take some time to find one you like the look of and then try to write an explanation about how it works.
Take the time to design your confectionery creating contraption, by producing a technical drawing it will be easier for you to answer the question ‘How does it work?’ I have included some supporting power-points to help when writing an explanation text.
With all of your writing, continue to focus on when and where you are able to use your year 5/6 spellings.
In Maths we have begun to work on our Theme Park projects in small groups. this is a fantastic piece of work to complete at this time of year and is really engaging all of the children here in school. I have included some resources that you can use to follow along with us in completing this project. It is far wider reaching than just Maths though it includes some real-world application opportunities for your Maths. I hope that you enjoy it.
Lesson 1 - PowerPoint - Budget - Map design
Lesson 2 - PowerPoint
Lesson 3 - PowerPoint - Running costs
Lesson 4 - PowerPoint - Entrance fees
Lesson 5 - PowerPoint - Writing frame - Marketing budget - Zero gravity review - Mega Drop magazine review
Lesson 6 - PowerPoint - Annual profits
Example - Architect (Lilly)
We have been focusing on the end of primary school. I shared some of the work that the children in school have completed relating to jobs they would like to do when they grow up. We used PowerPoint to gather images of each profession and then used videos to help hone our bubble-writing skills to add our own flare. If you can, it would be brilliant if you could send me your creations through the school website for us to add to our end of year celebration video.
Example - Pencil Artist (Lucas)
We have also recorded ourselves explaining why we want to do these jobs. Likewise, if you can send in a video then I can add this to make a class video for the end of the year.
In addition, year 6 children have used their Graffiti art skills to create a word that they can take with them to give them inspiration when they find things tough next year. some examples of the works chosen include: future, trust, courage, hope, confidence, friendship. if you can, please send in your examples and they can be included in our year 6 leavers video.
As a class, we are recording memories of our time at Winshill Village primary School. We are collating these to send in for a special edition of the schools very own podcast and so if you are able to record your positive memories and send them in that would be fantastic. We are also recording shoutouts to any member of staff, past or present that has taught you and who you would like to recognise for helping you in any way.
I will see a lot of you soon, keep up your hard work and enjoy completing all of the above!