Year 4 Home Learning - Week beginning 22.06.20 and 29.06.20

Hello, it’s time for another home learning blog. I hope you are well and have been keeping busy. It has been lovely to receive messages from some of you letting me know what you have been up to. It really makes me smile when I see that you have been in touch. Please keep sending in your messages by clicking the following link - send Miss Whitley a message :)

This weeks gallery

We would like to say a special thank you to Jessica, Noah and Piran for sending photographs of the wonderful activities they have been doing at home. We are very impressed with your efforts. Remember if you have a drawing or a photograph of something you have been doing, feel free to send it via the Home Learning Showcase. We love to see your creations.


This week we will be continuing with the topic of Europe. The reading comprehension contains four texts with questions. Two texts focus on the skill of retrieving information while the other two are designed for practising inference.


This week for English we are going to concentrate on persuasion writing. Complete the lessons in sequence.

  1. Lesson 1- Persuasion: Reading Comprehension - Fact Retrieval

  2. Lesson 2- Persuasion: Reading Comprehension - Summary

  3. Lesson 3- Persuasion: Identifying the features of a text

  4. Lesson 4- Persuasion: SPaG focus - Imperative and Modal verbs

  5. Lesson 5- Persuasion: Write a persuasive rap


The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Can you write the correct spelling for each circled word?

Year 4 Spellings three.JPG

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Can you write the correct spelling?

Year 4 Spellings two.JPG

For extra spelling practice this week, use Spelling Frame Rule 25.


For maths this week we will be learning all about Geometry- Position and Direction. We will describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant. Plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon. Describes movements between the position as translations of a given unit to the left/ right and up and down.

Position and Direction - questions, answers

You can also use MyMiniMaths to practice your arithmetic and key maths skills. This week try number 11 - identify and compare acute and obtuse angles or number 14- Read and write coordinates in the first quadrant. Can you complete the challenge for each day of the week? There are extra challenges in the home learning section too!


  1. Can you design an advertisement poster to encourage people to visit a European county of your choosing?

Happy home learning everyone!

We are so very proud of you!

Stay safe and we will hopefully see you all back at school soon.

Miss Whitley