Year 5 Home Learning - Week beginning 04-05-20

Hello to my fantastic Year 5 class! I hope you are well and looking after yourselves and your family. It has been lovely to speak to some of you over the phone the past couple of weeks. I know things are not easy at the moment but it’s so important to try to stay positive and motivated! I am so proud of all you, you are all doing an amazing job. I miss you all very much and look forward to the day we are all back in school together. You should be really proud of yourselves. Keep up the good work!

I have been amazed by all the fantastic work I have seen on the Homelearning Showcase! Erin, your Earthquake powerpoint was fantastic, I learnt lots of new interesting facts. Zach, your superhero drawing was amazing! I got your message and I can definitely see you have tried your best, you should be so proud. It was lovely to hear about all the fantastic things you have been getting up to. Jacob, I loved all your superhero’s powers, he sounds really cool, you’ve done a fantastic job and it’s great to see you have been out riding your bike. Remember, you can share your learning with us through our Homelearning Showcase.

It has also been lovely to receive some messages from some of you telling me about all the great things you have been getting up to. A lot of you have been asking how I am, which is very kind of you. I want to let you all know that I am fine. I am keeping busy, staying positive and smiling! Remember, if you have any questions, worries or just want to let me know what you have been up to, you can send me a message through the school website.

I had a few messages last week about the maths challenge where you had to multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers. I have put together a couple of self-help videos to support you with this. Click on the links below to access them. I hope they are useful.

Support with multiplying non-unit fractions by an integer

Support with multiplying unit fractions by an integer

Below are your homelearning challenges for this week. Please remember that they are optional. On the main Year 5 page, I have posted a list of websites which are also uploading homelearing for the children on a weekly basis. There are also links to different websites and activities for a range of subjects, so there are lots of different options for you to choose from. I have also uploaded Chapter 7 of Journey to the Centre of the Earth to our Youtube Channel.

Reading challenge

Your reading challenge this week is to read some of David Walliams ‘World’s Worst Teachers’ and answer 5 retrieval questions based on what you have read. Remember to retrieve information, first we need to find the answer within the text, then use that information to answer the question.

Year 5 World’s Worst Teachers 04.05.20

1. What did Splatt throw at Chewy?

2. What did Mr Antiquate do when the wig landed in his stew?

3. What did Chewy pull out of her blazer pocket?

4. Which simile does the author use to describe how Chewy chews her chewing gum?

5. What did Chewy do with the chewing gum?

Design Technology Challenge

This week, your design technology challenges link with famous inventors and inventions. I am going to be setting you two different challenges. You might decide to do one of them or maybe even both of them!

Challenge 1: The Telephone Apprentice

Did you know that the first telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. He would send voice signals down a telegraph wire and that was how the telephone was born.

Your challenge this week is to design your own phone using materials you can find either outside or materials that you already have at home. For example you might have some cardboard or plastic you could use or you may decide to use sticks and leaves to create your telephone. I’m sure you will all come up with some amazing, creative designs and products!

Challenge 2: Tent designer

The tent was invented by the American Military officer, Henry Hopkins Sibley in 1856. The tent he created looked more like a tepee compared to the pop-up tents we have now.

Your second challenge this week is to design your own tent using materials you already have at home. You might decide to make a small tent to shelter animals or may even decide to make a tent big enough for a human! You might use pillows, blankets and duvets to build your tent or maybe materials you can find outside like sticks and leaves. I’m sure your ideas will be fantastic and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Maths Challenges

Challenge 1: Adding 4 digit numbers

Your first challenge this week is to add together 4 digit numbers using the column method. Some animals have entered a contest. Your job is to add together the votes to find out their scores and see which animal won.

Year 5 adding 4 digit numbers 04.05.20

Once you have completed your task, why not design your own animal and add them into the contest. Does it change the results? Is there a new winner?

Challenge 2: Division

For your second challenge this week, I am going to set you 10 different division questions. I would like you to use the bus stop method to solve these calculations.

If you need any support with using the bus stop method click the following link: Year 5 bus stop method 04.05.20.

1. 504 divided by 6 =                     6. 270 divided by 5 =

2. 468 divided by 9 =                    7. 686 divided by 7 =

3. 760 divided by 8 =                    8. 225 divided by 3

4. 435 divided by 5 =                    9. 189 divided by 9 =

5. 126 divided by 2 =                    10. 444 divided by 6 =

Extra Challenge: Here are some division questions where the answer may include a remainder!

If you need support with identifying remainders, click the following link: Year 5 remainders 04.05.20

1. 562 divided by 3 =                         6. 564 divided by 5 =

2. 789 divided by 5 =                         7. 859 divided by 8 =

3. 563 divided by 4 =                         8. 852 divided by 7 =

4. 265 divided by 9 =                         9. 563 divided by 3 =

5. 236 divided by 7 =                         10. 251 divided by 4 =

Challenge 3: Can you spot the mistake and correct it?

Spelling challenge

Spelling focus: short vowel double consonant

Spelling activity: Can you put the following vocabulary into rainbow sentences?

little          appear           accompany          communicate       bottle          intelligent

Remember rainbow sentences are where each sentence is in a different colour.

Handwriting Challenge

Joining the letters l and e

Year 5 Handwriting 04.05.2020

Can you copy the joining of l and e in your neatest handwriting?

Extra challenge: Can you write 5 of your own sentences using your handwriting words from this week?

English Challenges

Challenge 1: Can you write me 5 silly sentences using the following vocabulary?

Vegetable             yacht             muscle             desperate             available

Challenge 2: Relative pronouns and relative clauses

Your second challenge this week is to practice your use of relative pronouns and relative clauses.

Remember there are 5 relative pronouns: who, which, that, whom and whose and we use these to form a relative clause. A relative clause is extra information, which doesn’t make sense on it’s own. It is added to a main clause and can either come at the end of a main clause or can be embedded into the middle. Below is an example.

My friend Natalie, who is an amazing gymnast, trains four times a week. - This is an example of an embedded relative clause.

The man lived in the ancient, rickety cottage, which was by the lake. - This is an example of where a relative clause has been added to the end of a main clause.

Year 5 relative pronouns 04.05.20

Year 5 relative clauses 04.05.20

Challenge 3: Instructions

Your third English challenge this week is to write a list of instructions. You might be baking a cake and decide you want to write instructions based on that. If you chose to do the Design Technology challenge, you might decide to write your instructions on how to build a phone or tent. It is up to you what your instructions are based on. Below are a list of features to remember to include when writing instructions.

  • Title to show what the instructions are about

  • A clear list of equipment or materials needed

  • Simple steps for each action

  • Imperative verbs – for example cut, stick, mix, glue

  • Bullet points or numbers for each step

  • Adverbs to describe how the actions should be done – for example gently mix

  • It needs to be in chronological order (time order)

Here are a few examples of instructions to have a look at if you would like to: Year 5 instruction examples 04.05.20.

Health and Wellbeing challenge

Your health and wellbeing challenge this week is to continue working on your goal/challenge that you set yourself last week. I will re-post the list of examples on this week’s blog. Remember, I would love to hear about or see your challenges and goals you have been setting yourself. You can share these with me by either taking a photo for the Homelearning showcase or sending me a message through the website.

Here are some examples of goals or challenges:

  • Learn a new dance

  • Learn to tie shoe laces

  • Practise baking

  • Practise a skill such as drawing

  • Learn to ride a bike

I hope you all have a fantastic week and I will speak to you all soon! Remember, stay safe, stay positive and keep smiling.

Miss Twigger

Year 5Jessie Twigger