Year 3 Home Learning - Week Beginning 04.05.2020

Hello again to my magnificent Year 3 class. We are now entering the fifth week of school closure and I am missing you all terribly. I miss the hustle and bustle of the classroom, listening to you explaining your work to me and when you ask me questions that I don’t always know the answer to, but most of all I miss seeing your smiles. I know things are difficult at the minute and I look forward to the day that you are walking back into my classroom telling me about all the things you have done during lockdown. However, for now I will happily settle for talking to you on the phone (which has been lovely over the last two weeks), reading your messages and looking at all the amazing things you are doing on the Home Learning Showcase.

Kaitlyn, I loved receiving your message this week. I am glad you are enjoying the Tudors, it is one of my favourite topics too. The piano apps sound like great fun, maybe when we are back in school you will be able to play something for us all to listen to. Chloe, I have not managed to get all the ingredients to make your cakes yet but rest assured once I have I will be making them and uploading a photo for you to see. Please keep sending me messages. They cheer me up as I can hear you saying the things to me.


The photos you have been sending in this week have been fabulous and it is clear that you are all working hard.

Chloe, your Tudor quiz is excellent and the box is beautifully decorated. I tried it out on Nancy as Tudors is her favourite history topic. You will need to bring it into school once we are back and we can have a go as a class - you can be the Quizmaster! Kaitlyn and Ruby, it is obvious that your playdough and cake recipes were detailed and precise as your finished products look fabulous. I bet you have had lots of fun with the playdough Kaitlyn and I hope you saved me a slice of cake Ruby :) Harrison, I am very impressed that you are learning to play the Piano. Henry VIII is supposed to have written the song Greensleeves and I am looking forward to hearing you play it when we are all back together.

Chloe, another fantastic piece of baking and another recipe for you to send to me so I can try to make them. You and Isabelle obviously enjoying baking but I’m sure you enjoy eating what you have made more :) Kaitlyn, your portrait of Henry VIII is excellent and you included so much detail. I have never heard of the app Osmosis but I think I need to download it. It looks like you have been having lots of fun in the garden Ruby. Your mud pie cafe looked great, I hope you didn’t get too much mud in the house when you went back in. The caterpillar was very interesting to look at. It seems like it is camouflaged to look like a branch or twig. Can anybody remember what camouflaged means?

This week, our home learning will focus on a special celebration. On Friday 8th May we will celebrating VE day 75.

VE Day - or 'Victory in Europe Day' - marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. Here is an article from CBBC Newsround that explains what happened that day. VE Day


Imagine you have become friends with a child who was alive during the VE Day celebrations 75 years ago. Can you think of and write 10 questions that you would like to ask them. This could include finding out about how they celebrated, what life was like before VE Day or what happened afterwards.

It should begin with a question word - who, where, when, why, what, which or how. Remember you are wanting to get as much information as you can.

I would also like you to write a letter to that child explaining what life is like now. You could talk about how schools are closed and that you are completing your learning through the internet (remember to explain what the internet is as they would not know), that parents are working from home if they are able to and the types of things you are doing during lockdown. You could also include things that you are missing and what you are looking forward to once lockdown is lifted.

These are the things you should include;

  1. Your address (you can use the school address if you wish or make one up).

  2. Dear ________ - you can choose the name of the child you are writing to.

  3. introduction - tell them a little bit about yourself to begin with e.g. name and age.

  4. Paragraphs.

  5. Questions - you could use some of the ones you have written previously.

  6. A complimentary closing e.g. yours sincerely or I hope to hear from you soon.

  7. Your name at the end.

    I have included an example to help with your structure.

  8. Letter example.


For spelling this week I would like you to find 10 homophones. Remember a homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings e.g. hear and her.


For maths this week we will be focusing on time. I would like you to compare the duration it takes for you to complete an activity e.g. putting your shoes on and taking them off 20 times and putting your jumper on and taking it off 20 times. The activities you complete are up to you. Use a phone or tablet to time yourselves and record them in a table . I would then like you to try convert the times into minutes. Remember there are 60 seconds in a minute so 369 seconds is the same as 6 minutes and 15 seconds.

If you are wanting a challenge you could find the difference between the time in seconds by subtracting the shortest time from the longest time. I have included a template with an example below.

  1. Comparing duration:

Maybe you could compete with a family member to see who can do the same activity in the quickest time and record it in seconds.

I would also like you to practise reading the time up to 5 minute intervals on an analogue clock.


Music: During World War Two certain songs became famous because of the messages that they gave across. One of the most famous was sung by a lady called Dame Vera Lynn and was call ‘We’ll meet again.’ As part of the VE Day celebrations on the 8th May people are being asked to stand on their doorsteps to sing at 9pm and sing this song as a nation. I know this is late and most of you will probably be in bed but I thought it would be nice if we learnt it so we could perform it when we return to school. I have included a link to the song complete with lyrics.

We’ll Meet Again

Art: During the VE Day celebrations in 1945 people gathered outside their houses and held street parties. They made bunting to hang outside the windows and strung it between the houses. The bunting usually had The Union Jack flag on it and was always red, white and blue. I would like you to design your own bunting this week. You can choose any design but it must only use those 3 colours. I have included some examples to help.

Well Being:

Remember it is just as important to look after your mind as it is your body so this week I would like you to take some time to go outside (fingers crossed for nice weather), lie down, close your eyes and listen. What can you hear? Maybe you could do this at the same time each day. Can you hear the same things?

Remember Year 3 these are suggestions and you do not have to complete them all. Please continue to send me messages and upload your photos to the Home Learning Showcase as it brightens up my day. Stay safe Year 3 and I will speak to you all soon.

Mrs Dickerson