Year 6 Home Learning - Week beginning 27.04.2020

Another week done year 6. Well done to you all for staying motivated and for completing the work that I have been setting for you. A huge shout out to Lilly who has been sending in so many brilliant examples of work that she and her family have been completing at home! Keep it up, it is looking amazing! Ava, those jam biscuits look really tasty! 


 Teagan’s genius artwork of Brunel's SS Great Britain is a superb example of a Victorian inventor and his ideas, which changed the world! 


Remember if you want to send me a message you can via the button on the class page.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the website links on the main class page. As well as the work uploaded here there are a number of different free resources available as well as celebrities completing live sessions for the children to get involved in. ‘PE with Joe’ and the story times with Oliver Jeffers and David Walliams are brilliant just to mention a few. BBC Bitesize have also started some free daily lessons that you could look at. They have a daily schedule and the lessons can be found on the BBC Bitesize website. There are lessons for English and Maths as well as other curriculum subjects. This week It would be brilliant if you would head to the BBC bitesize website and check in with some of their work on starting secondary school.


This week, if you are able, I would like for you to take advantage of the work available on the ‘Oak National Academy’ website linked to writing a newspaper article. This work incorporates a reading comprehension which is linked to the reading skill of fact retrieval, something we had down to a fine art as a whole class before we broke up. The interactive lessons will guide you through what must be included in a newspaper article as well as giving you the opportunity to practice the skills. Once you have worked through this, you can use the supporting documents below to create a newspaper article announcing one of the inventions you have researched last week. 

By accessing these lessons you will also follow along with the spellings work being completed, this uses words relating to newspapers which you may find useful in your writeup. Remember to continue to work on the year 5/6 statutory word lists and use the bank of words that you created last week to use in your writing.  


Please continue to follow the home learning section on the White Rose Maths website. Some of the work on here will build on from things that we did just before we broke up, scale factors for example. This is something that I know we had all succeeded in learning before we broke up and so this work should be a reminder.  

Please find some more arithmetic work for you to complete, found on the myminimaths website there is no need to print these off if you have somewhere to show your working, the answer is what is important! 

Healthy living: 

It is really important for you to stay positive and healthy at this time. On the Phunky Foods website each week, you will find the following selection of activities to enjoy working through. The theme-based worksheets and Mindful Moment activities are differentiated according to age but please feel free to dip into any of them. 

  • A fun, theme-based worksheet looking at aspects of healthy eating. They are designed to both inform and to encourage discussion 

  • A delicious PhunkyFoods recipe to make together using simple, healthy ingredients 

  • Phunky15 creative exercises which can be adapted to create your own classroom and done anywhere around the home 

  • Mindful Moment activities with guided instructions to help all the family relax 


Now that you have completed research (see last weeks tasks) on whacky or world-changing inventions, this week it is down to you to design something to make lockdown more bearable, it could be a design of a completely imaginative object, that you could draw, label and explain; or it could be a project that you complete and make a prototype of (please send me photos of any of your inventions!) but it is for you to use your imagination, what could possibly make life easier for you right now?

Year 6Sam Hickey