Year 4 Home Learning - week beginning 27.04.20

Hello again to my wonderful Year 4 class. It’s time for another home learning blog!

It was lovely talking to so many of you on the phone and listening to all of the things you have been doing whilst school is closed. Keep up the good work and please keep sending me your messages, they really cheer me up :) - send Miss Whitley a message.

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone for uploading your photos onto our Home Learning Showcase! It really makes me smile to see the brilliant things that you are doing at home and all of your beautiful work.

This week, Noah has made a new pen pal friend - how exciting! I can’t wait to hear all about them - and Oscar has been sharing his super ideas for Earth day. Lot’s of you are enjoying time in the garden and having fun in the sun too :) Matilda, your scarecrow is amazing! I love that you are finding a use for all of those scrap pieces of wood, what a super way to do a bit of recycling! Travis, it looks like you are doing a super job at gardening - I might need some tips! There has also been some lovely work relating to our new topic - The Tudors! Frances, your Coat of Arms shield is fantastic and I really love your motto! Chloe your Henry VIII fact file is brilliant - you have definitely done your research and you have even taught me a few things that I didn’t know! Well done to you all! You are all SUPER STARS!

For your home learning this week we will be continuing to think about the Tudors. I have included a link to the Horrible Histories song to help you learn the names of Henry VIII’s six wives and what happened to them.


This week I would like you to read the newspaper article: The Tudor Times. Look carefully at the words and phrases within the text. You could highlight or pick out any that interest you - just like we would do in our normal reading lessons at school. I would then like you to:

  • list all of the key facts about the incident - names, dates, places, key events that took place.

  • list any facts that you learnt about Tudor life from the article - eg/ thieves go in the stocks!

  • list any words or phrases that seem historical or old fashioned - can you find out what they mean?

  • list all of the words and phrases that are used to describe Tom - can you find the antonyms (words that mean the opposite of the current word being used)


For your writing task this week I would like you to write your own version of the newspaper article sympathising with Tom. Think about how the boy Tom Tinkerson is portrayed - he is a thief and a villain and he should be punished … or should he? What about Tom’s side of the story? … perhaps he was starving …. perhaps it was an accident …. maybe the baker caught the wrong person! It’s up to you, but remember to use some of those words and phrases from your historical words list to make it sound like a real Tudor Newspaper!


Miss Whitley has been writing sentences too early in the morning again!! I’m sure they are full of spelling mistakes! Can you help me by spotting and correcting the mistakes in my sentences?

  1. The three little pigs began to bild their houses.

  2. I can’t diside between pepperoni or ham pizza.

  3. My brother woke my up really erlee this morning!

  4. I need to be in a groop of four.

  5. Dad rides his bisikle to work.

  6. The letter did not have the right adress on it.

  7. Jerry live is the house oposit to Tom.

  8. Ben thort it was time to go to bed.


For maths this week we will be continuing our work on fractions and decimals following the White Rose Maths Hub home learning lessons - Summer Term Week 2. Use the videos to help you complete the daily learning activities but don’t forget to warm up your brain first by completing the Flashback challenge at the start of each video! To complete the lesson activity you can either download and print the challenge sheet or you can simply use a piece of paper to write down the answers before using the ‘Get the answers’ link to check your work.

You can also use MyMiniMaths to practice your arithmetic. This week try number 38 - read and write a fraction as a decimal using tenths and hundredths. Can you complete the challenge for each day of the week?


Art - During Tudor times, there were no cameras but the rich people wanted future generations to remember what they looked like. For this reason they used to employ artists to paint portraits of themselves and would they would usually be dressed in their finest clothes. This was also to make sure people knew how wealthy they were.

This week I would like you to draw a portrait of someone in your house or yourself. Maybe you could take a photo of them and use this to help you or use a mirror to look at your own face up close. Look at the features of the face, remember to use the correct colours for their eyes, hair and skin tone. There is also a video below that might help you! It has lots of hints and tips about how to get started drawing your portrait!

How to draw a portrait for kids

Please remember that these are just suggestions and there are no expectations for you to complete all of the activities that I have set.

Happy Home Learning!

Miss Whitley

Year 4Lydia Whitley